Woman survives 80 years with a needle in her brain (it is believed her parents put it in)

by time news

2023-10-09 21:24:26

In medical archives it is possible to find cases that defy the possible or the logical. For example, that of a woman who survived 80 years with a needle in her brain. Impossible? No, and here we tell you how experts discovered this surprising find…

According to the report issued by the Sakhalin Health Departmentthe woman who lives in the remote Russian region of Sakhalin never presented significant discomfort that could have warned of the presence of the needle years ago, including headaches.

However, the discovery was due to the woman having a CT scan, which was shared through her social media channel. Telegram. In the images you can see the needle lodged in the brain from different perspectives.

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How did a needle get into his brain?

The woman, born in 1943 during the Second World War, could have survived a possible murder attempt by his parents. Apparently this was a common practice at that time. The population was fighting to survive. food shortagewhich led many parents to try to take the lives of their children to prevent them from suffering the ravages of hunger.

“Such cases during famine years were not rare: a thin needle was inserted into the baby’s fontanel, causing damage to the brain. “As it is a part that closes quickly, there was no trace of the crime,” the same statement revealed.

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What are fontanels?

The United States Library of Medicine las describe like the “soft parts” of a newborn’s head. They are located in the spaces where the skull has not yet joined. These usually take up to a year to close and harden the skull. During the first months of life of a baby, Family members may be able to see and feel this area.

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Risks of burying a needle

Sticking a needle into your body poses several health risks:

1- Infection: When a non-sterile needle or contaminated enters the body, there is a high risk of infection by bacteria, viruses or other pathogens. This can trigger serious symptoms such as fever, swelling and pain, and in extreme cases, can lead to a life-threatening condition known as septicemia.

2- Damage to tissues and organs: The depth and location of the buried needle determines the extent of the damage. If the needle penetrates vital organs such as the heart, lungs or intestine, can cause serious damage such as internal bleeding. These types of damage may require emergency surgery.

3- Toxicity or allergic reaction: In the case of needles that contain chemicals, such as medications or chemicals, there is a risk of these substances entering the bloodstream.

It is essential to take care when using any type of needle. In the case of the woman, the needle will not be removed, since that could complicate her health, which has not been seen. affected in 80 years with the needle in her brain.

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