Woman with severe hydrocephalus becomes a mother. We talked about it with Dr. Raffaele Petta

by time news

A woman suffering from severe tetraventricular hydrocephalus with triple X genetic syndrome gave birth to her baby girl at the “Malzoni Research Hospital” in Avellino.

The woman was followed during her pregnancy by Raffaele Petta, a doctor from Salerno who is an expert in high-risk pregnancies. A story with a happy ending that saw as protagonists Rosa Biondini, a 33-year-old employee and Koné Souleymane, a 25-year-old Ivorian chef by profession. Despite the fears and difficulties related to the particularity of the case, last August 30 they were able to rejoice for the birth of Rahma Mari Koné Biondini, born weighing 3,630 kilos and 50 centimeters long. We talked about it with Dr. Raffaele Petta, our guest today
Breast on pregnancy
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Woman with severe hydrocephalus becomes a mother. We talked about it with Dr. Raffaele Petta

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Lorenzo Peluso

Author of some essays on conflicts in Asia and the Middle East, embedded journalist in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and Kosovo, I have been part of the editorial staff of Radio Alfa for some years. Professional journalist and speaker, lecturer and expert in foreign policy, I am the curator of the personal blog on Facebook “OreDodici di Lorenzo Peluso”.

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