«Women and films, halfway through. More directors, but that’s not enough »- time.news

by time news
from Chiara Maffioletti

The actress in the cast of “Il paradiso del peacone” by Laura Bispuri, a delicate portrait of an extended family. “I’m looking for stability without the bonds of marriage”

The memory of his family lunches is very different from what is at the center of the story of
“The peacock’s paradise»
, film presented in Venice, directed by Laura Bispuri, at the cinema these days. «Mine were very numerous lunches – he says Maya Sansa -, those of one extended family: full of people who had nothing to do with blood ties. A chosen family, made up of my mother’s friends who, fortunately, she has always surrounded herself with nice people“. In the film, however, each member of the family seems to have the role of her, from which she struggles to free herself.

«It almost always happens like this – continues the actress -. Even at work there are gods RPGs to which we lend ourselves. My Catherine is a determined woman, loved by her parents. She is protective but also judgmental towards his brother “. He plays one modern woman, yet he does not want to tell his elderly parents (Dominique Sanda and Carlo Cerciello) that he is separating. For the actress, however, theappearance it was never a worry: “When my parents met they were very young and free, not to mention that I was born in an era – the seventies – when everyone was rebelsaway from conformity For definition. Mine have been close friends for a long time, after which they were too young to handle this freedom».

The unintended result of a lot non-conformism, it was soon to push the actress «in the search for a form, understood as stability. They are not for the constraints, but if the love is there I think it is a value to work to make one work relationespecially at a time when there is a tendency to throw it all away quickly: give reports to objects, nothing is fixed anymore, it costs more than buying a new one ». She identifies with her character: “she is a free woman, that she does not feel the need to become a mother if she does not want to, that she wants to focus on her career».

Like her, it is apparently a lot responsible: «There are those who aspire to chaos and rebellion, I aspire to stability and to serenity. I am also very faithful in friendships as well as in love: with Fabrice (Scott, ed.) Now we have been together for twenty years and we have a daughter. I like the continuity in relationships even if the stability in the couple he brought her more ». Sansa didn’t want to get married: «With the childhood I had, it wasn’t very familiar to me. I do not see romantic get married: if it happens it will be at the end, it will be our prize. But I don’t feel the need to have a contract. My partner, on the other hand, grew up with two parents who have been together all their life: he had the arguments just to propose marriage », he smiles.

In the meantime, however, he chose to live in Paris and to raise his family there. Even the French cinemahas been looking for and appreciating it for years. «In France I did many beautiful things but I remain an Italian actress. In short, I have not become Monica Bellucci, who now seems more French than Italian. But I love to wander and I am grateful to be able to do so ». That of the actors, he adds her, «she is one profession in which you can never sit: you must conquer your place, your life, in a way. There are those among my colleagues who live by exploiting success, surfing the waves of consent. My path is more rock and roll: there are times when there are many projects and periods in which it seems to you there is no more work ».

For the next three months he will be in Puglia, to shoot the new series of which he is the protagonist,
“Six women»
. And women are more and more often at the center of storytelling in cinema and on TV: is something changing? “Maybe yes, but more from the point of view of regiaof the film script. As for the roles, here, not a lot. Nor in the salaries. Here, there I see it really long ».

June 18, 2022 (change June 18, 2022 | 22:13)

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