Women and minors account for around 50% of those killed in the war between Israel and Hamas

by time news

2023-10-19 19:47:29

Conflict is in its 13th day and has already recorded 5,258 deaths; Gaza concentrates most of the victims and the situation in the region is critical, with saturated hospitals, food shortages and destroyed residential buildings

EFE/EPA/ROLEX DELA PENA Rabbi lights candles in symbolic memory of Israeli and Filipino victims during a solidarity meeting with Israel at the Philippines-Israel Friendship Park in Quezon City, Metro Manila

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Each day that passes, the number of deaths in the conflict Israel-Hamas increases and women and children represent around 50% of these victims. This Wednesday, the 19th, which marks the 13th day of conflict, the 5,258 the death toll. Minors represent 28.98% of fatal victims: there have been 1,524 deaths since October 7th. Women, in turn, are not far behind, they are around 19.01%: 1,000 were killed and the elderly, 2.2%, representing 120 of the victims. Most of the dead are concentrated in the Gaza region, which is suffering from continuous bombardment by Israel and a humanitarian crisis. The latest balance showed that there are 3,785 deaths in the region. In Israel there are 1,400 and in the West Bank, 73. The war is heading into its third week and saw tension increase this week after an attack on a hospital in Gaza, which left 471 people dead. The European intelligence service believes that the number of victims would be much lower. “There are not 200 or 500 dead, maybe a few dozen, probably between 10 and 50,” said the source, who requested anonymity.

Israeli Army spokesman Jonathan Conricus also questioned the 471 death toll released by Hamas: “Where are all the bodies?” he asked. Hamas blames Israel for the attack, while the Israelis say it is the fault of Islamic Jihad, which denies having any involvement in the explosion. In addition to the deaths, the humanitarian crisis also worsens in the region. According to the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), there are only two weeks’ worth of food supplies in the Strip, although much of it is stored in Gaza City, which is difficult to access due to hostilities, while supplies in markets and fairs can end before the end of this week. The region has been without water, electricity, internet or fuel since Israel imposed a total siege on the region and prevented the supply of these items to the region, as well as others such as food and medicine.

Around 3,000 tonnes of humanitarian aid remains waiting for humanitarian organizations to enter through the Rafah crossing on Gaza’s border with Egypt. The opening is expected to take place on Friday, the 20th, according to a media outlet close to the Egyptian Intelligence services. Palestinians blocked in the Gaza Strip desperately wait for trucks to enter. United States President Joe Biden, who traveled to Israel on Wednesday, said his Egyptian counterpart, Abdel Fatah al Sisi, accepted the entry of up to 20 trucks into Gaza. This will be the first aid convoy to the Gaza Strip since October 7th.

The situation in Gaza is critical, with hospitals saturated. At least four have stopped operating in the region: the affected health centers are the hospitals in Beit Hanun, Al Durra, Al Karama and the International Ophthalmology Center in Gaza City, and the Turkish-Palestinian Friendship Hospital, the only center that offers oncology services. in Gaza, it partially stopped working due to lack of fuel and electricity and some of its sections, such as the emergency room, are out of service. Entire neighborhoods have been destroyed and residents have no water, food or electricity. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported that more than 98,000 residential units, representing approximately 25% of the total in the Palestinian Strip, have been destroyed or damaged in Israel’s current offensive against Hamas. There are: 8,840 completely destroyed, 5,434 with serious damage, that is, uninhabitable and 83,750 partially destroyed.

UN facilities (United Nations organization) operate in the region to shelter internal refugees, who already number more than one million. Of these, 513,000 are housed in UNHCR spaces, which has already lost 14 workers who were victims of bombings and 32 attacks on their buildings by Israeli defense forces. “UNHCR shelters are saturated, with limited supplies of food, drinking water and hygiene items. The extreme conditions, along with the trauma of war, have begun to fuel tensions among the displaced,” the organization warned.

#Women #minors #account #killed #war #Israel #Hamas

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