‘Women and the power to do’, the presentation in Palermo on Friday

by time news

In Italy, the map of a new female power is slowly being defined in recent years. It is being designed by the presence of deputies and senators in Parliament, of ministers, of managers appointed to the top of listed companies, of senior officials of some strategic public companies. The turning point, albeit slow, is underway: women in command posts give strength to a more modern ruling class, free from old patterns and restricted groups of power. But how long will this change last? Will it really be the bearer of a more equitable and modern social development already present in some European nations? The reality is that, as yet, there are no conditions for an equitable society with balanced opportunities and responsibilities between women and men in all fields, public and private. Much remains to be done and the role of women who have managed to crack the “crystal ceiling” will be fundamental in this critical phase. Ilaria Li Vigni, a lawyer from Milan, an expert in gender politics, talks about it in the essay entitled ‘Women and the power to do, Presence and female action of today and tomorrow’ (Franco Angeli editore, 173 pages). The book will be presented on Friday, September 23 at 4 pm at the Auditorium of Villa Zito, in viale Libertà in Palermo. The Equal Opportunities Committee of the Palermo Bar Association, chaired by Marinì Badalamenti, organized the event. Il Saggio reconstructs the map of a new female power that is slowly and painfully asserting itself in our country, questioning future prospects and initiatives to be implemented to contribute to this fundamental process of transformation of society.

The President of the Raffaele Bonsignore Foundation will introduce the works. The President of the Court of Palermo Antonio Balsamo, the President of Confcommercio Patrizia Di Dio, the journalist Elvira Terranova, Head of the time.news editorial team in Sicily, Claudia Ferrari President of the CPOCG, the lawyer Valentina Li Mandri Secretary of the CPO of the AOC of Palermo, will speak. Nino Sunseri columnist journalist. The author will be present.

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