Women can easily produce and earn profit

by time news

Women can make organic rose oil from the comfort of their own homes and earn good profits. It gives a youthful look to women.

Nowadays people have started preferring natural products in everything starting from food products. There is special respect for natural food. Similarly, the business of organic household products, especially the shea butter, is booming.

It means that it has no side effects if people prefer to buy it and use it in food than the oil produced by modern method. Here is how to make rose oil naturally.

No matter how many flowers bloom colorfully among flowers, the rose petal has a special respect. That is why Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of India, who was called the Torch of Asia, used to travel the world with a rose flower in his shirt pocket every day. Rose is also considered a symbol of love. A rose flower has a unique fragrance and a rose can be seen not only as a flower but also as a value added commodity. Rose oil has an international market.

Organic products and home products that are naturally produced without the addition of chemicals are now popular. Thus, organic rose oil is suitable for women and self-starters to easily produce and sell.

First try making it in small quantities. Then you can sell it to your friends and acquaintances by telling about its benefits. People who benefit from this will refer people they know. Let’s learn about making organic rose oil here

Ingredients required for making organic rose oil.

Two cups of organic rose petals

Three quarters of a cup of Czech coconut oil.

Only the petals of organic rose flowers should be taken separately and washed in water. Then put the rose petals on a thin cotton cloth and dry them until the moisture is removed. Then put them in a mixer and add half a cup of water and grind them like paste. Place a heavy pan in the oven and pour coconut oil in it and then add rose paste and stir on medium flame.

After some time the rose petals will change color and the oil will separate and stand on top. Then switch off the oven and cover the vessel with a net plate.

Then filter the oil using a clean cotton cloth and store it in a glass bottle. One part of rose oil can be mixed with 10 parts of coconut oil. The oil should be boiled carefully without burning the rose petals. Organic rose oil can be used for massaging babies. It prevents dry skin and hair. Removes dark circles under the eyes. Thickens eyebrow hairs. Gives strength and shine to nails. Removes wrinkles and gives a youthful appearance to the skin.

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