women denounce Hamas crimes to the UN

by time news

2023-12-04 22:46:00

Under the slogan “Metoo unless you’re Jewish”, some 150 women demonstrated Monday in front of the UN headquarters in New York to denounce the silence of international feminist organizations in the face of Hamas’ crimes against Israeli women on October 7 .

Chanting “shame on the United Nations” and brandishing “rape is rape” banners, New Yorkers castigated the international organization for its supposed inaction against the murders, rapes and kidnappings of Israeli women by men of the movement Palestinian Islamist.

“I call them the ‘United Nations for nothing’,” scoffed Hillary Larson, a 64-year-old nurse demanding “protection” of women, “100% condemnation” of Hamas and “the release of hostages and innocent people.”

“We support Israeli women who have been raped, it must be considered a crime. They deserve our solidarity,” added Carolyn Maloney, former Democratic parliamentarian in the House of Representatives of Congress in Washington, to AFP for a New York constituency.

In front of the UN buildings in Manhattan, around twenty women sprayed fake blood, some wearing only their underwear under the New York winter sky.

In Israel, lawyers and activists denounce the silence of international organizations defending women’s rights on accusations of rape by Hamas fighters. In addition to the murder of 1,200 people, most of them civilians, committed according to Israel during this attack, the police are investigating sexual violence, including gang rape and mutilation of corpses.

Immediately after October 7, Israeli lawyers communicated information to UN Women and the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (Cedaw).

But the responses were paltry or late, they say.

In Paris on November 25, the large annual march against violence against women was criticized and disrupted by signs reading “Metoo unless you are a Jew” or “Feminists, your silence makes you complicit.”

The French collective Nous tous responded “collectively fight all violence, abuses, feminicides committed against all women and gender minorities, regardless of the perpetrators, everywhere in the world” and “unambiguously condemn the crimes sexual and sexist acts, rapes and feminicides committed by Hamas, which particularly targeted women, LGBTQIA+ people and children.

04/12/2023 21:45:37 – United Nations (United States) (AFP) – © 2023 AFP

#women #denounce #Hamas #crimes

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