Women – ‘Hand, Foot, Mouth’ Epidemic in late rainy and early winter

by time news

Wednesday, September 7, 2022, 6:00 a.m.

As the rainy season approaches winter, “hands, feet and mouths” is another epidemic that parents should pay special attention to when taking care of their children. This is because the disease can be transmitted directly from contact with secretions. Especially in young children who may not be aware of the situation.

Sirirak Kanchanathiraphong, MD. Pediatrician specializing in Allergy and Immunology child health center Nawavej Hospital Bring the data set of Hand Foot Mouth Disease (Hand Foot Mouth Disease) compiled and explained in an easy-to-understand manner in order to gain useful knowledge to take care of close ones. Especially during the rainy season, the disease is spread easily.

Hand Foot Mouth Disease is a contagious disease caused by an infection with a virus called Enterovirus.
The most common strains that cause disease are Coxsackievirus A16 and Enterovirus 71. The most common at-risk groups are infants and young children under 5 years of age, who tend to have more severe symptoms than older children. For adults, this disease is found
Some cases of severe infections that cause complications myocarditis and encephalitis in young children

The outbreak of this disease is During the rainy season into winter, hand, foot and mouth disease is transmitted directly from contact with secretions.
from the nose, throat, saliva, and water from clear blisters. including the feces of infected patients In children, it is often found that contact with toys. contaminated contact surfaces contaminated food or drinking water on the hands of the caregiver

Places where disease outbreaks are most common are nurseries. kindergarten and playgrounds, especially indoor

The main symptoms and manifestations of the disease are starting with a fever. This may be a low or high fever. and have mouth ulcers A rash on the hands and feet with mouth ulcers found from the roof of the mouth bulge in the cheeks or on the tongue A large amount of it can spread to the lips around it. The rash on the hands or feet will be red blisters. or contaminated with clear water blisters palm area crotch, fingers, toes In young children, there may be places around butt as well

Currently, there is no specific treatment for hand, foot and mouth disease. Most of them are general symptomatic treatment, depending on the patient’s symptoms, such as high fever. Give antipyretics according to symptoms. Watch out for convulsions from high fever in young children, sore throat, sore mouth ulcers. can’t eat anything Patients who look exhausted from lack of food and water try to feed water provide other fluids such as milk and soft food

in children with extreme fatigue Until dehydration may need to be hospitalized. And give saline intravenously, itching, take antihistamines to relieve itching to relieve symptoms. Or put some anesthetic in your mouth to reduce soreness in your mouth. together with surveillance to observe symptoms of complications

Complications that must be observed and monitored. If symptoms occur, the child must be taken to the doctor immediately, such as drowsiness, not playing, not wanting to eat or milk. or vomiting, complaining of a severe headache Speechless, drowsy, neck pain, stiff neck, confused perception, cough, rapid breathing, looks tired, has a lot of mucus.

This disease can be recurring. especially in young children Because of the immunity that occurs in patients who have recovered from viral infections. It does not last forever and cannot help prevent infection from other strains of the virus.

What is the best way to prevent this type of communicable disease? health care Teach children, especially school age. Wash your hands often with soap and water. especially before and after eating or after going to the bathroom every time

Navavej Hospital has a vaccine to prevent and reduce the severity of hand, foot disease caused by Enterovirus 71 virus. You can ask for details and request a consultation at Children’s Health Center Tel.02-4839999 /www.navavej.com

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