women increasingly at risk of cancer

by time news

2023-07-04 04:06:45

Public Health France, the National Cancer Institute (Inca) and their partners publish this Tuesday July 4 estimates of the incidence of the main cancers in mainland France for the year 2023.

Published on: 04/07/2023 – 04:06

In around thirty years, the number of new cases of cancer has almost doubled in mainland France, a more marked increase among women due in particular to an increase in smoking. Updating and analysis of changes since 1990 does indeed show an increase in cancers among women. While breast cancer is still the most common, lung cancer, among others, is on the rise. For men, the trend is down, except for skin melanoma and pancreatic and kidney cancers.

« In women, the evolutions are unfavorable for more relocations: the same as in men and in addition a big unfavorable evolution for cancers linked to tobacco consumption, that is to say cancers of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx [la gorge, NDLR]lung, colon-rectum and liver “says Professor Florence Molinié, President of the French Network of Cancer Registries.

It is estimated that 430,000 new cases of all types of cancer are taken together each year in France. Among these cases, 8% are linked to alcohol and 19% to tobacco. The increase in the incidence of cancers is linked to a large extent to the demographic evolution of France (growth and aging of the population), but also to an increase in the risk linked to behavior and lifestyles, note the researchers.

The study’s estimates, based on cancer registries, are partly based on projections for the period 2019-2023, due to a lack of consolidated data. They therefore do not take into account the possible effects of the Covid crisis. In France, cancer is the leading cause of death in men, the second in women after cardiovascular disease.

Over the years, cancer-related mortality has generally decreased thanks to earlier diagnoses and therapeutic progress. But ” nearly half of cancers could be avoided through changes in our behaviors and lifestyles “, notes the preamble to the 2023 panorama of cancers released by the Inca. Physical inactivity, obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption, exposure to ultraviolet light are included in these “ preventable causes ».

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