Women – Made injected to increase collagen to the face. Acne treatment and facial rejuvenation with Homeopathy

by time news

Thursday, 25 August 2022, 6:00 a.m.

In this article we will take an in-depth look atinjection made To increase collagen to the face with the technique of 16 acupuncture points all over the face in order to maintain the balance of hormones in the body, reduce allergic rashes and make the facial skin come back to be strong. By stimulating collagen and adding vitamins that are important to the skin.

What is Made Collagen?

Made Collagen is the name of a brand of mesotherapy from Italy that uses the stimulation of collagen and vitamins that are important to the skin by injecting with a special technique 16 points all over the face for Stimulate the circulation of subcutaneous lymph nodes better. It works as a process and rhythm To help drive toxins that remain in the skin, reduce allergic rashes, reduce acne and reduce skin inflammation with 4 steps as follows:

1. Detoxification is the removal of toxins and waste residues in the body which is the cause of various wrinkles and stimulation of organ function which is responsible for excreting waste from the body such as the liver, kidneys, intestines and lymph nodes

2. Metabolism is the acceleration of metabolic processes. and blood flow In order for the body to fully receive the necessary nutrients that come with the blood. make the skin recover faster

3. Nutrients & Cell therapy is the provision of nutrients. Cell therapy and tissue cells in the amount needed by the body. to make your skin healthy

4. Restructuring is to adjust the balance Helps the body to have good immunity, strong skin, not easily attacked by external pollution.

treatment approach Homeopathy What is

Homeopathy is a treatment that is safe to some extent. that uses a lot of diluents to stimulate the body to create a mechanism for the body to heal itself Born from Germany This is the same principle as vaccination itself.

What does Yamade Collagen help with?

– Helps treat chronic acne problems caused by an allergic reaction or a steroid-addicted surface

– Helps to adjust the condition of the skin to be stronger more tolerant to pollution

– Helps reduce inflammation of the skin, reduce acne and make the inflamed acne dry faster.

– Stimulates collagen under the skin Make sure and bounce up.

– Stimulates the production of elastin make the skin flexible look firmer Helps to fade small wrinkles

– Helps detox toxins that remain on the skin It reduces clogging and reduces rashes effectively.

How should be spacing in Made Collagen injection?

Usually, made collagen injections It is recommended to inject 5-10 times in a row. with about 1-2 weeks apart/time But if girls have a lot of facial skin problems It can be injected at intervals of 1 time / month.

Who is Made Collagen suitable for?

Actually Made Collagen is a safe product even for sensitive skin. can be injected by anyone especially in people with sensitive skin Unhealthy skin, inflamed acne, frequent pimples Including problems with dry skin You can inject Madele Collagen. To create a protective barrier for healthy skin, ready to receive other nourishment effectively The injection of Made Collagen doesn’t take long. Suitable for girls with little time but want clear results Recommended to inject every week continuously. according to the advice of experts

How many times do I inject Madele Collagen see results and does it hurt?

For those whose facial skin has little problems, results can be seen from 1-2 times after the injection of Made Collagen and for those whose skin has quite a lot of skin problems, such as sensitive skin, inflamed acne, and rashes. See results that the skin is stronger, less acne in 3-5 times after injection. for injection instructions Can be injected every week for 4 weeks, then can be left for 2 weeks at a time. While injecting Made Collagen, the doctor will perform Keep applying cold compresses to reduce pain. There may be a slight burning sensation while taking the pills. If you’re worried because it’s your first injection, you can ask for an anesthetic patch.

At what age did Made collagen start injections? And who forbids injections?

Pregnant or lactating women should avoid injecting Madeleine Collagen. And Made Collagen can be injected from the age of 18 years.

Can MADE Collagen be injected together with facial laser treatment?

There is no prohibition on doing these two items at the same time. In addition, facial laser treatment and Made Collagen will enhance the function of making the skin look healthier and clearer.

How do you recommend taking care of yourself after MADE Collagen injections to keep your skin healthy and clear?

For Yamade Collagen itself, it focuses on taking care of rejuvenating skin cells to be strong, reducing acne inflammation, as well as reducing various allergic rashes as well. But for brightening the skin, it is recommended to take care of the face with laser. The treatment that pushes vitamins together will help the skin look brighter as well. And avoid sunlight, the main cause of free radicals to the skin.

Acne results are reduced when MADE Collagen is continuously injected.

The results before and after will see different changes depending on the original skin condition and the continuation of MADE Collagen injections. Continuous injection is recommended to get results for smoother skin for sure.

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