Women – The impact of the chronic PM2.5 crisis results in gene mutations causing lung cancer.

by time news

Tuesday, March 7, 2023, 6:30 a.m.

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Cancer remains the number one cause of death for Thai people and with air pollution. Including various dust Especially pollution from dust particles. Also known as PM2.5, it is a trigger that causes lung cancer among non-smokers. Such a problem that has been chronic for a long time has caused anxiety to many people.

According to a report from the Health Information Archive. Ministry of Public Health It was found that Thailand has a continually higher incidence of cancer. Estimated from the number of new cancer patients each year, more than a hundred thousand, with severe symptoms reaching the death of a hundred thousand as well. Lung cancer is the second leading cause of death for Thai people (second in men after liver and gallbladder cancer). and ranked number 1 in women) in the past year There were about 14,586 deaths or 40 people per day.

According to the research results, it shows that There are several everyday factors that increase lung cancer risk, including smoking or being in close contact with smokers. Working with exposure to various forms of asbestos and transmission through heredity, etc., while other causes such as air pollution, such as particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size or PM2.5, are becoming more serious and becoming one of the main causes of lung cancer. which at present Thailand has recorded over 71,184 deaths from PM2.5 (third highest in ASEAN after Indonesia and Vietnam).

Although the PM2.5 dust crisis has been upgraded to solve the problem as a national agenda. because it is a chronic problem and continues to occur every year and seems to intensify more and more violently over the years We have seen thinkers, scholars, and medical professionals. Many came out to provide knowledge and understanding about PM2.5, as well as warning and suggesting solutions to the problem. But because of such problems, it takes time to resolve. AstraZeneca (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and The Lung Ambition Alliance (LAA) shared knowledge. for people to prepare and plan to take care of themselves together

PM 2.5 dust is considered a carcinogen with a small molecule size of only 2.5 microns, which is invisible to the naked eye. and can float into the trachea to the lungs without us being aware of it, resulting in lung inflammation The aforementioned causes not only affect health in the short term, such as burning eyes, burning nose, irritated eyes, or aggravating allergies. But if receiving PM2.5 dust in large quantities and continuously Will have a long-term effect on cardiovascular disease New data from the study was also published at the International Medical Symposium. In September 2022, the EuropeanSociety for Medical Oncology (ESMO) found that PM2.5 air pollution was associated with an increased risk of mutations in EGFR and KRAS genes in systemic cells. respiratory tract, which can lead to lung cancer

for many reasons and factors This makes it difficult for the general public to recognize and distinguish whether they are facing a disease or not. Therefore, avoiding pollution, dust, smoke and regularly checking the body. including lung cancer screening Therefore, it is important that it should not be overlooked either by the general public or at risk groups.

There are 4 main stages of lung cancer. Most patients are found in stage 4, which is the final stage or in a state where the disease has spread. As a result, the treatment does not work as well as it should. This leads to the use of AI innovations in conjunction with the verification of the results from radiology to screen for lung cancer in the early stages. which can increase the capability and potential of the examination results so that patients receive timely and on-the-spot treatment When comparing the results of treatment, it was found that If lung cancer is found in the early stages, the chance of survival in 5 years is as high as 92 percent, while if found in stage 4, the chance of survival is only 10 percent. Early diagnosis of lung cancer can make the patient enter the treatment process quickly Bringing good treatment results and increasing the chances of survival.

Although we cannot avoid external factors. Like dust pollution, PM2.5 can get a hundred percent But taking care of yourself on a regular basis by not smoking Avoid and be careful doing activities in the open when the dust is dense. Keep doors and windows closed while inside the building. Notice the symptoms of risk groups around you. Always check the body regularly or when symptoms fall into the category. It is something that everyone can do to reduce the potential risks.

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