“Women’s health is a predictive factor for the planet and society”

by time news

2023-12-18 09:32:00

Women’s health as “the best indicator and above all the best protective and predictive factor for the health of the planet is the theme that we strongly wanted, with the other presidents, for the Sigo congress”. This was said by Irene Cetin, president of the 98th Congress of the Italian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, underway in Milan which brings together, through its federations, hospital (Agoi), university (Agui) and local (Agite) gynecologists. “Women – continues Cetin – have an important role in our society, in general, but also as a model of lifestyle, because she is a mother, and therefore she can indicate a path for future generations. But also, in much more scientific terms, because everything that happens during the woman’s reproductive period – the preconception phase, conception, pregnancy and then the postpartum phases – represents a window of opportunity” because “genes come into play, our genetic heritage, which is expressed throughout life by turning on and off with biochemical processes”.

Basically, “the strongest factor is the nutritional one – explains the president of the congress – Then there is clearly everything that is negative: pollution and stress caused by tiring situations in psychological but also physical terms. All this can manifest itself in causing pregnancy pathologies – such as premature birth, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes – but also malformations, possible effects on the fetus in the long term – such as diabetes, hypertension, real insufficiency – but also behavioral disorders which, as we have seen, they are very frequently associated with nutritional alterations during pregnancy.”

Ample space was also dedicated to “the role of reproductive pathologies – Cetin illustrates – such as endometriosis, fibroids and everything that involves the genital system, which can negatively influence a woman’s life, first of all because they are chronic pathologies that they can cause significant pain, but also because they can, in turn, cause infertility and problems during pregnancy.” Infertility is “a key word – underlines the gynecologist – In a historical period in which we have a great reduction in the birth rate, we must promote fertility, therefore reducing the impact of pathologies that can compromise it, obviously giving messages on lifestyle, but also on the fact that reproducing at a too advanced age further increases all these risks, as well as reducing the possibility of reproducing because the woman no longer has fertile cycles”.

During the Milanese days, the themes of menopause and the problems of old age were also addressed, “because this phase of a woman’s life is now clearly much longer – recalls Cetin – and the quality of life during this phase is marked. We also talked a lot about the sustainability of a system where we have to take care of all these aspects of women’s health, about a sustainability that involves selecting treatments well, being preventive as much as possible, recognizing important treatments and not doing them unnecessarily and also safeguard the health of the planet.”

In closing, Valeria Dubini, president of Agite, observes that “at this moment” local gynecologists have “a very important role and responsibility because the Pnrr has valorised the territory, it wants to valorise it. The pandemic has taught us that a strong territory can make the healthcare system as a whole sustainable and also in this congress we were able to bring our voice because the territory can certainly carry out some activities with less impact on environmental pollution and this is an investment in health of our patients, but also on the health of the planet in general”.

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