Women’s pensions: towards a premium for maternity quarters

by time news

Posted Feb 28 2023 at 6:30 amUpdated Feb 28. 2023 at 7:24

The week of parliamentary break had sounded, on the pension reform, like a lull. From the front of course. Because from this Monday, and in view of the sixth day of mobilization against the pension reform next Tuesday at the call of the inter-union, the CFDT-Cheminots, fourth representative union of the SNCF, has launched a call for strike renewable from March 7, thus joining CGT-Cheminots, Unsa-Ferroviaire and SUD-Rail. The four representative unions of the SNCF have thus agreed to harden the movement as had already announced on February 11 the unions of the RATP.

On the Parliament side, the reform, via the amending Social Security financing bill (PLFSSR), begins its journey in the Senate on Tuesday. To the Social Affairs Committee as well as, for opinion, to the Finance Committee of the Upper House. The text will then be examined in session from Thursday.

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