“Women’s rallies”, stories in the name of Pasolini

by time news

noon, December 28, 2021 – 3:40 pm

Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 December at 7 pm in the museum complex of the Souls of Purgatory in Arco the project curated by Maria Teresa Annarumma

A project dedicated to Pier Paolo Pasolini and curated by Maria Teresa Annarumma for the museum complex of the Souls of Purgatory in Arco, the so-called church of the “pezzentelle souls”, which thus confirms his cultural commitment in the city, which began already in 2012. In the monument seventeenth-century, in which women for centuries have used to take care of the souls in Purgatory, Wednesday 29 and Thursday 30 December 2021 it is precisely women who become the protagonists of a narrative inspired by reality, in the sign of Pasolini’s lesson: a program of activities, ” Comizi di Donne “, conceived in view of the celebrations of the centenary of Pasolini’s birth which occurs on March 5, 2022, but which, through the various languages ​​of the contemporary, will continue well beyond that date to emphasize the presence of women in society, starting precisely from vision of the story of the Friulian author.

With “Comizi di Donne” women will become authors and protagonists of a narration of reality, as Pasolini does with the extras-witnesses of his films. A narrative that goes from the women of the Neapolitan Republic to the Neapolitan feminist movements to create a conversation with women and their daily life, often made up of social, economic and cultural limits.

“The project – explains the curator Maria Teresa Annarumma – is inspired precisely by Pasolini’s attention to that part of society considered marginal by the official narrative, simple extras-witnesses that instead the Friulian intellectual put in the foreground considering them the true architects and essence same story. This assumption pushed me towards a parallelism with the current condition of women who still see their voice denied or ignored too often, despite many aspects of social life are based on their free commitment and work. “

“Women’s meetings” opens Wednesday 29 December, at 19, at the Museum Complex of the souls of Purgatory with the presentation of the program of events (December 2021 – June 2022) and the screening of “The Gospel According to Matthew” by Pier Paolo Pasolini ( 1964).

Thursday 30 December, at 7 pm, continues with the concert “Past, Present, Future” performed by the OEOAS (electroacoustic orchestra Officina Arti Sonore) and with the inauguration of “The Witnesses and History”, a documentary video installation inspired by “The Gospel According to Matthew ”, curated by Maria Teresa Annarumma, with the soundtrack by Marco Messina of the 99 Posse.

We will start from the “Gospel According to Matthew” to accustom our gaze to this vision of history, deepened in February by the conversation of Prof. Maria Pia Pagani of the University of Naples “Federico II”, and then arrive in April, to a work that will represent the keystone from Pasolini’s reading towards the reality of women: the sound installation by Marco Messina, whose radical artistic experience (from 99 Posse to his recent research) and daily activism, embodies both the passionate commitment of Pasolini is the strength that women have in supporting the daily personal-collective.

Francesca Amirante, curator of the Purgatory Museum Complex in Arco, enthusiastically welcomes the start of the project: “Finally, a program that arises from the reflection on the role that this place has always had, is returning to the attention of those who have historically inhabited the soul and the heart of this church: women ”.

“Comizi di Donne”, whose title paraphrases that of the documentary “Comizi d’amore”, made by the great writer and director in 1965, was born from the collaboration of the Opera Pia Purgatorio in Arco with two major institutions, the Academy of Fine Arts of Naples and the San Pietro a Majella Conservatory, with the aim of creating a real cultural triangle in the historic center of Naples. The non-profit associations “Amici di Carlo Fulvio Velardi” and “Madrigale per Lucia”, which have always been socially aware, also participate in the project.

The President of Opera Pia, Giuseppe D’Acunto, underlined how “the Opera Purgatorio in Arco, engaged in philanthropic and cultural activities and owner of the museum complex, considers it important to restart cultural activities with a program that also includes collaboration of the nearby Conservatory of San Pietro a Majella and which finds space in the church, in the small museum and in the large hypogeum: places that retain their function, but which have always welcomed music since they were born “.

The contemporary incarnation of Pasolini’s lesson, which gave a voice to those who were placed on the margins of society and who were denied fundamental rights, will therefore take place in June with the video “Women’s Comings”, the result of collaboration with the female component of “Friends of Carlo Fulvio Velardi” non-profit association, read through the experience of Lucia Mastrodomenico and the historical feminism of the “Un Madrigale per Lucia” non-profit organization.

The electronic music concerts are organized by Professor Elio Martusciello, Professor of Electroacoustic Music Composition at the San Pietro a Majella Music Conservatory, with the collaboration of the Electroacoustics teacher, Professor Alberto Gaetti.

December 28, 2021 | 15:40

© Time.News

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