won the $30 million lottery; The young man came to the lottery office in disguise, this is the reason behind it

by time news

Everyone works for money. Lottery takers are not few to try their luck. The selfish thought that life is safe after winning the lottery and that they can live without working makes many people take the lottery. The Chinese Lee is trying a different method to avoid such selfish thoughts.

Lee approached the lottery office in disguise to collect the prize amount of 30 million dollars. He did so because he was afraid that his family members would become lazy if they knew that he had received so much money.

Lee wore a head-to-toe yellow dress when she went to collect her winning prize at a lottery office in Nanning, in the southern province of Guangxi, China. He posed for photos without revealing his identity. He said that he had not told his wife and child about this and had disguised himself so that they would not know. He added that if he knows that he has got such a huge amount of money, he will lose even the thought of working hard.

Lee is a social media star who thinks differently in this age of winning the lottery and becoming famous. He gave 5 million yuan of the proceeds to charity. He said it has not been decided what to do with the remaining amount.

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