Work, Cig over 12 weeks. Government mess, minus € 280 in envelope

by time news

Work, Cig over 12 weeks. Government mess, minus € 280 in envelope

The Coronavirus emergency in Italy continues unabated. The infections do not decrease as hoped and the hospitals, especially in the intensive care units, are collapsing. To this critical situation is added the dramatic data on daily deaths. But the crisis due to the pandemic was accompanied by a heavy economic difficulty spread throughout the country, due to the forced closures of many activities. For the workers at home, already exhausted by the difficulties, bad news arrives. The latest mess on the Cig – reads the Messaggero – risks costing up to 280 euros to workers who as of March 25 had exhausted the 12 weeks of layoffs with the cause of Covid provided for by the Budget law. Yes, because the additional 13 weeks of Cig introduced by the Sostegni decree are available from April 1st. To do the accounts is the national councilor of Unimpresa Giovanni Assi who explains to the Messenger: «The loss depends on the number of working days that are actually uncovered and is between 110 and 280 euros. The cut potentially affects over six million people ».

Dall’Inps, which plays the role of paying agent, – continues the Messenger – make it known that once the rule has been settled, it will be possible to proceed with the retroactive payment of lost earnings for March. But from Andrea Orlando’s Ministry of Labor, where the problem is known and a buffer solution is being worked on, they take time. The more the days pass, however, the more the chances are reduced for those excluded from the Cig in March to be refounded by the beginning of the summer. “Then there are the entrepreneurs who in the last days of March have put their workers on vacation without more days of Cig available to not leave them fasting and who will not be entitled to any reimbursement,” continues the expert of Unimpresa.

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