Work, in January the growth of female employment stops: only men increase. The inactive people are growing again

by time news

In January the market of work Italian remained apparently “little moved”, with a decrease of 7 thousand employed but an increase to the 59,2% (+ 0.2%) of the employment rate. Under the surface, however, much has changed: the negative balance derives from a sharp decline in employed womengot off of 77milwhile among the men the employed rose by 69mil. The small thud also probably depends on the fact that in January the forward contracts activated for the period of holiday season. As confirmed by the fact that, in countertrend Compared to previous months, permanent employees increased by 24 thousand while precarious ones decreased (-32 thousand). In addition, for the first time in 12 months – + 74 thousand – the inactivedue to a increase among women and among those under the age of 50. The inactivity rate rises to 35% (+0.2 points). In parallel, the unemployed decreased by 51 thousand, with the only exception of 35-49 year-olds.

The livello pre Covid it has not yet been recovered: the employed are in all 22.8 millionagainst the 22.9 of February 2020. The occupancy rate is 0.2 points higher than that unemployment And dropped from 9.6 to 8.8% (25.3% among young people, -1.3 points) but this depends on the decline in inactive and of the active population (for demographic reasons). Since January 2021, the number of employees has grown by around 730,000 and the employment rate by 2.4 percentage points.

Comparing the trimester November 2021-January 2022 with the previous one (August-October 2021), the level of employment is higher by 0.5%, corresponding to 120 thousand more employed. The growth in employment recorded in the quarterly comparison is associated with the decrease in the number of people looking for work (-1.8%, equal to -41 thousand units) and that of inactive persons (-1.4%, equal to -188 thousand units). unit). Compared to January 2021, both the number of job seekers decreased (-12.9%, equal to -326 thousand units), and the amount of inactive people aged between 15 and 64 (-5.0%, equal to -684 thousand).

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