Work-study/CFA: when companies teach

by time news

For those who are targeting a specific professional field, do you know the corporate CFAs? On paper, this system is not new; in reality, it has mainly developed since 2018 and the reform of vocational training. Today, more than 80 companies have taken the plunge.

How it works ?

Integrating such a structure amounts to killing two birds with one stone, by signing up for its training at the same time as its mission. All while obtaining certifications or diplomas identical to those of traditional education. The theoretical part will be followed in the premises of the establishment or those of a partner. As for the practical part, it will of course be carried out on site.



of apprentices preparing for a diploma above the baccalaureate

Ministry of Labour, 2022

For the apprentice, two advantages: the guarantee of a work-study program that really matches their training and real job prospects. But nothing prevents you from being recruited elsewhere.

Form precise profiles

“Having our own CFA is clearly a way of meeting skills needs,” confirms Fabien Lagriffoul, director of training and professionalization at EDF, which has three teaching units. Admittedly, the group is already a major recruiter of work-study trainees through traditional channels, with 6,500 assignments in progress at present. The centers make it possible to meet more specific needs, particularly in technical trades. “For example, a baccalaureate + 2 degree in operating technicians in nuclear power plants did not exist. We created it”, illustrates the director of training.

The corporate CFAs are all in large groups, the only ones capable of managing the system from start to finish. One example is Orange, which launched four training courses in 2020 (cybersecurity, data analysis, etc.). Or even Saint-Gobain and Schneider Electric, which have opened industrial maintenance and logistics classes for the first, Connected buildings and intelligent energy management for the second.

Promise of employment

With 42,900 employees in sectors as varied as the environment, urban services and aeronautics, Derichebourg is also facing pressure on certain skills. “We identify 826 different areas of expertise. Suffice to say that some are very difficult to find, ”recognizes Malika Bouchehioua, HRD of the Multiservices branch of the company. It will launch a training center next June, spread over two sites (Créteil, Val-de-Marne and Toulouse, Haute-Garonne). 200 apprentices are expected there this year and the objective is to reach 3,000 young people in 2025.

“Having our CFA will allow us to transmit our technical specificities, but even more so our spirit and our values”, she says with satisfaction. And to add that “to ensure the lessons that we do not control ourselves” (management, HR, etc.), the group has surrounded itself with partners (Galileo, the schools of the IGS group, Montpellier BS).

The first apprentices will obtain recognized certifications at bac + 2 level (maintenance technician, recruitment officer), or bac + 3 (local manager). With the quasi-promise of being hired, “if all goes well”, assures Malika Bouchehioua, who summarizes the process of a corporate CFA as follows: “It’s a bit like registering for a future job. »

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