Workers block access to the SCJN

by times news cr

Workers of the Judiciary and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) They surrounded the entrances to the premises in protest against the judicial reform.

The protesters are seeking to raise public awareness of the impact that these changes will have on the democratic state and the division of powers.

The The Supreme Court and the Electoral Tribunal are the only organs of the Judicial Branch who continue to work, as the country’s federal courts and tribunals have been on strike for a week and are only dealing with urgent matters.

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In recent days, the SCJN has experienced a day of protests, with positions for and against judicial reform.

During the private session of the Second Chamber, A group of workers demonstrated yesterday against the judicial reform with banners and in silence, while Minister Lenia Batres said that this was not the place to protest. For his part, Minister Alberto Pérez Dayán supported the protest and expressed his solidarity.

Later, staff from Minister Batres’ committee also arrived at the Second Chamber, but with banners in favour of judicial reform and against the decisions of judges and magistrates.

The protests were carried out silently and peacefully.

The Supreme Court completes a week of peaceful protests of its workers, while judges and magistrates are on strike for the same period.

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Last Thursday, workers began protesting on the steps of the SCJN, prior to their workday.

Ayer, The employees were placed in the corridors of the premiseswhile the ministers were going to the plenary session, so they decided to suspend the session in solidarity with the workers.

Minister Batres decided not to attend the plenary session, while workers filled the door to her meeting with slogans against her.


2024-08-31 12:56:28

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