Working from home can yield 800 extra calories…

by time news

2023-09-27 19:32:01

This may be an inconvenient truth: Snacks eaten during work-from-home breaks could be the cause of an expanding waistline. This is what new research carried out by the monitoring application shows MyFitnessPal, and recently released. Working from home can lead to an accumulation of calories.

According to research, excessive snacking while working from home adds up to approximately 800 extra calories, and an average of 3,500 fewer steps during the day.

Ginger Hultin, a registered dietitian in the US city of Seattle, told the magazine Fortune: “When you go to the office, you probably eat breakfast first, and maybe take lunch with you plus some snacks – in order to always have specific foods on hand. But it would be quite strange to have a full kitchen with you. At home, all your favorite foods are there.”

Working from home makes you fat

The research analyzed two thousand workers, of which 36% admitted that they ate even when they were not hungry. And 60% of them said they ate less healthily when they were at home.

The researchers asked participants to log their food and track their steps throughout a day of working from home. The scientists compared the data with those from a face-to-face work day.

Treats at work can make you fat. Picture of Denny Müller already Unsplash | reproduction

The result was clear: when working from home, an average of 2,800 calories – almost 800 calories more than a typical day at the office. While working from home, employees took an average of just 4,500 steps, just over half of what they would take if they went into the office.

Pause to assess hunger

In order to combat excessive snacking, experts advise workers to take a break before eating to assess hunger, schedule non-food breaks and eat mindfully.

“Ideally, you should sit down and enjoy your food, and focus on the tastes, smells and sensations of it, even if it’s just for five minutes.” Hultin.

Exaggerating any food, regardless of the amount of nutrients, can result in the accumulation of calories – and pounds. The researchers explained the best way to snack: you should eat foods rich in proteins at the beginning of the day, because nighttime munchies are unfavorable for your health.

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#Working #home #yield #extra #calories..

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