Working time, taxes, education: Emmanuel Macron’s presidential program

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Emmanuel Macron, in a letter addressed to the French, therefore ended up presenting his presidential candidacy 38 days before the first round of the election. The outgoing president will embark on a rather unprecedented electoral sprint, while at the same time he will have to manage one of the most serious crises that Europe has known since the end of the Second World War. The Head of State has chosen to gradually break down his program elements, which Le Parisien will compile as this article progresses.


The President of the Republic proposes to abolish the television license fee. A proposal that he considers to be in line with the gradual abolition of the housing tax.

The candidate Macron wishes “to allow all couples living together to reduce their taxes as if they were married or in a civil partnership”, a boost to cohabiting couples.

Emmanuel Macron wishes to modify the rights of inheritance in direct line by passing from 100,000 to 150,000 euros of abatement. It also intends to take into account “the transformation of families, and the evolution of the cost of real estate”.

Emmanuel Macron announces an investment of 30 billion euros in the sectors of the future: mini-space launchers, bio-medicines, semiconductors, third and fourth generation nuclear reactors, development of “unicorns” and digital companies. The 2nd part of the “Start-up nation” in a way.

During his first campaign trip to Poissy, Emmanuel Macron undertook to triple the amount of the so-called “Macron” bonus, implemented at the beginning of 2019 in the midst of the Yellow Vests movement. In his letter to the French, he had also defended the need for citizens to “work more”. The bonus that bears his name, is possibly paid by companies to their employees, without charges or taxes, and which represents up to 2000 euros for people earning up to three minimum wages.

The candidate expressed the wish that the beneficiaries of the Active Solidarity Income (RSA) carry out an activity of fifteen to twenty hours a week in return for this social minimum. It will be an “activity allowing to go towards professional integration” was expressed but this proposal is already controversial within the presidential camp. Aimed at 16-25 year olds with neither education nor employment, it would set mandatory commitments (accompaniment, training) in return for a financial allowance of 200 to 500 euros, over six to twelve months.

Emmanuel Macron wants to continue the unemployment insurance reform launched under his five-year term “to adapt it to the economic situation”.

Emmanuel Macron wants to extend to all companies the time savings account, which allows employees to accumulate rights to paid leave or to have remuneration when an employee does not take the leave to which he is entitled.

On March 10, just a month before the first round, government spokesman Gabriel Attal took it upon himself to announce what will undoubtedly be one of the key measures of Emmanuel Macron’s future five-year term, if he is re-elected. The outgoing president intends to implement a gradual extension of the retirement age, to bring it to 65 years. All this while increasing the pension amount to 1,100 euros for full careers. Emmanuel Macron also pleads for the “abolition of the main special regimes”.

Institutions and public services

Emmanuel Macron undertakes to “strengthen the network of sub-prefectures across France and continue the development of France services houses” which help with day-to-day procedures. He also wants to strengthen “after-school educational offer” in neighborhoods and rural areas.

Emmanuel Macron reformulated the idea of ​​introducing a proportional part in the legislative elections. It was already a campaign promise of the candidate En Marche! in 2017, the implementation of which has been postponed several times.

Macron intends to strengthen cooperation between the different territorial levels by creating the “territorial adviser” who will sit on both the regional council and the departmental council, from the next local elections.

Emmanuel Macron is also in favor of Corsica’s autonomy in the event of a new term. “After that, the question is what this autonomy is,” said the interior minister. We need to discuss it. And it takes time, because this is the future of Corsica. “In any case, this institutional issue will logically be raised during the second term of the President of the Republic if he were to be re-elected,” he said.

Emmanuel Macron intends to add mathematics to the common core of high school education. The number of hours allocated to the subject had dropped considerably in 2019 after the reform of Jean-Michel Blanquer. Emmanuel Macron also promises to give more space to businesses in vocational high schools and colleges. He also promises to “decompartmentalize the school by giving more means, more remuneration and more pedagogical freedom to teachers”.

The candidate Macron wants to generalize the teaching of computer code and digital uses from the 5th. He also wants to recruit “20,000 guides to help French people who need them in mastering digital tools”.

Emmanuel Macron wishes to improve Parcoursup, by giving the precise results of previous years and by better supporting families.

Emmanuel Macron also proposes to regulate the access of the youngest to social networks, by prohibiting the access of some of them to children and “young adolescents”.

The candidate president wants to invest in basic research to the tune of 25 billion euros over ten years through the research programming law.

Macron announces “a plan to recruit nurses and nursing assistants” to “make the hospital more human” without figures.

Emmanuel Macron wants to strengthen controls in nursing homes and recruit 50,000 nurses and caregivers. It also proposes at the same time to help the elderly to transform their housing to avoid their departure in a specialized establishment.

Security and Justice

The Head of State wishes to limit the conditions of access to residence permits for more than 4 years by conditioning them “on a French exam and a real process of professional integration”. He also wants to expel third-country nationals who “disturb public order”. He also wants to condition the granting of visas to the collaboration of the States in terms of returning to the territory like other candidates.

Emmanuel Macron wants to improve the removal procedures, and in particular that the refusal of asylum is worth an obligation to leave French territory.

It also promotes an easier welcome for freedom fighters

Macron plans to create 200 gendarmerie brigades. He also wants to deploy a new “task force” “republican action force in the neighborhoods when situations of insecurity appear, forces which are both security forces, magistrates and educational teams”.

At the same time, the candidate Macron wishes to recruit “1,500 cyber-patrolmen”. The outgoing president wants to set up “an anti-scam filter” to report “potentially trapped” sites in addition to a toll-free number to “be advised and accompanied”.

A deprivation of civic rights for those who attack the agents of public authority.

The candidate wishes to give the possibility of filing a complaint online, without giving further details.

President Macron wants the continued closure of radical associations and mosques, clandestine schools, the expulsion of radicalized preachers, the control of foreign funding.

The outgoing candidate wishes to hire “8,500 magistrates and justice personnel”. It also proposes an overhaul of the Code of Criminal Procedure to be able to integrate the conclusions of the Estates General of Justice which will end in the spring with the aim of reducing the time limits for applying sentences and improving the working conditions of magistrates. .


Emmanuel Macron wishes to continue the construction project of the first 6 new generation nuclear power plants.

The candidate of LREM calls for the multiplication by 10 of our “solar power” and the establishment of 50 wind farms at sea by 2050. He also wants to build a French sector of production of renewable energies. It also wants to continue investing to become a leader in green hydrogen, produce millions of electric and hybrid vehicles, and the first low-carbon aircraft.

Clean up old landfills. Massively reduce waste exports, by developing French industrial recycling channels.

Another “ecological” proposal, the outgoing President of the Republic would like to make the remuneration of the managers of large companies obligatorily dependent on compliance with the company’s environmental and social objectives.

The candidate Macron wants the implementation of a carbon tax at the borders of Europe to avoid unfair competition.

It will implement reinforced action in favor of overseas territories to deal with natural disasters and environmental pollution (earthquakes, sargassum, chlordecone, etc.).

Emmanuel Macron wants to plant 140 million trees by the end of the decade, i.e. 2 trees per Frenchman and invest in the French timber industry. He mentions wanting to “always better protect our coasts, mountains, forests and natural spaces” in his program.


President Macron still wants to reform the Schengen area. In particular, he intends to create a “Schengen” steering council and create an emergency intergovernmental mechanism to help the Frontex system, to monitor European borders.

From his position as current president, Emmanuel Macron has decided with the other European leaders to sanction Russia since the invasion of Ukraine. “We will continue to sanction [la Russie] each time a step is taken,” he insisted. France also delivered weapons to kyiv. At the same time, traveling to a reception center, the campaigning president declared that France’s duty “is to be able to welcome, protect, in the best possible conditions” Ukrainian refugees, and that Paris “will take its part” .

The outgoing president proposes to consolidate the current defense budget (40.9 billion euros per year) by aiming for a target of 50 billion euros in 2025.

Culture and society

To settle the debates concerning euthanasia and the end of life, Emmanuel Macron proposes to set up a “citizen convention” to “move forward in a peaceful way”.

The candidate still does not want surrogacy (GPA) to be implemented in France. On the other hand, he intends to maintain adoption procedures for children conceived by GPA abroad.

The president, now a candidate, is not in favor of the legalization of cannabis, but wants to fight more against drug trafficking, with more police presence in the deal points.

The LREM candidate offers an extension to the youngest of the Culture Pass, currently open to 14-18 year olds.

President Macron was delighted to have “succeeded in financing the renovation of 650,000 housing units in 2021”, for his new term the candidate has set a target of “700,000 housing units renovated per year”, if he is elected.

The outgoing president wants to “extend the public guarantee for tenants in order to facilitate access to housing while penalizing bad payers”.

Emmanuel Macron wants to strengthen the fight against discrimination by carrying out systematic “testing” in all companies with more than 5,000 employees.

Emmanuel Macron wishes to strengthen the offense of sexist contempt introduced into the law under his five-year term, by tripling the amount of the fine to make it reach 300 euros.

Emmanuel Macron proposes to “better ensure the collection of abandoned pets”.

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