Works of the beautiful one of the Metro that are currently being built

by time news

The transformation of mobility in the city does not stop, just like the works of the First Line of the Bogotá Metro (PLMB) that intensified in this 2023, with the start on January 8 of the transfer of the secondary networks that will They will give way to the foundation required for the construction of the viaduct. To date, work is being done on secondary networks at two points in the city, the road interchange on Calle 72 and Avenida Primero de Mayo with Carrera 68.

In parallel, soil adaptation works continue in the workshop yard, in the town of Bosa, and the construction of screens on the western side of Calle 72 and Avenida Caracas to reinforce the underground structure of the road interchange that will be located in this key point of the town of Chapinero.

“On the eastern side of 72nd Street, the removal of the storm sewer network is currently being finalized, and in parallel, the construction of the civil infrastructure is being carried out to transfer an energy and telecommunications circuit, this will allow the retaining walls to be completed. on this eastern side”, explained Leónidas Narváez, general manager of the Bogotá Metro Company (EMB).

At this point, the retaining walls that provide lateral support to the existing structures will be completed, both on the eastern and western sides; The excavation of the access ramp to the depressed area on the eastern side will be completed, this same excavation will be underway on the western side, and the structure that will maintain the level of the branch that connects Caracas avenue with Carrera 15 in the south direction will begin. – north and Caracas avenue. Work on this interchange is scheduled to end in the second half of 2024.

Another of the most representative work fronts will be in the town of Bosa, where the construction of the viaduct of the technical branch that will join the workshop patio with station 1 of the PLMB, in Gibraltar Park, will begin. In this section, the access embankment to the courtyard will be built, a crossing structure will be built over the road (owned by the EAAB) and a two-span metal bridge, each 60 meters long, which will pass through the Cundinamarca canal. .

Narváez recalled that the workshop patio is the heart of the PLMB and constitutes the critical path of the project. To date, the adequacy of the floor of the workshop patio presents an advance of 62.7%, 42% above what was programmed. This means that, according to the schedule, today we are reporting early compliance, since this percentage was budgeted for April 30, 2024.

This advance of almost a year and a half will allow us to anticipate the construction phase of the buildings from September of this year, an activity that was initially scheduled to start in July 2024. “This fills us with optimism, taking into account that this patio The workshop is projected to end in the month prior to the start of the white march, that is, the testing phase, prior to the commercial operation”, stressed the General Manager of the EMB.

The Concessionaire Metro Line 1 SAS is also working on the transfer of aqueduct networks at the intersection of Avenida Primero de Mayo with Avenida 68, as agreed in the project schedule, in accordance with the specifications and technical standards and the designs not objected to. by the Inspectorate. Subsequently, they will carry out activities in the installations of energy, telecommunications and gas networks.

The works already have their respective Traffic Management Plan (PMT), to minimize the impact and guarantee vehicular traffic and the safety of pedestrian traffic, and with their Environmental and Social Management Plans (PMAS), which allow identifying , evaluate, mitigate, avoid and compensate the possible environmental and social impacts for the different construction activities.

The EMB indicated that the concessionaire carries out these interventions in coordination with the corresponding public service companies, to ensure their correct transfer and the minimum affectation of the services to the nearby community.

All these tasks were defined in amendment 7 to the concession contract 163 of 2019, signed on December 26, 2022, in which it was indicated that the main studies and designs are in the process of obtaining the No Objection of the intervention, which requires the concessionaire to resolve the observations made by it, considering that March 30, 2023 is the ideal date for the parties to conclude the entire review without affecting the work fronts that have been advancing since last January 8, 2023. With this, the completion of the construction phase of the PLMB is guaranteed, which was defined for September 14, 2027.

“These modifications do not increase costs, do not generate any change in the risk structure agreed in the contract and do not affect the date established for the commercial start-up of the First Line of the Bogotá Metro, scheduled for March 14, 2028” , concluded Narváez.

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