World Blood Donor Day: Who is allowed to donate blood?

by time news

2023-06-13 11:16:46

The German Red Cross (DRK) warns of possible bottlenecks in the supply of blood to hospitals in the summer. At the moment, the camps are still well stocked with life-saving blood supplies across Germany, said spokesman Patric Nohe before the

World Blood Donor Day June 14th. But when many people are on vacation in summer or prefer to go to the outdoor pool, the willingness to donate traditionally decreases sharply. “It’s almost like you can see this storm brewing in the distance again,” Nohe said.

The big problem in the industry is that the willingness to donate in Germany is falling in the long term. Young people in particular are difficult to reach, experts say. “We’re really heading for a critical point,” warned Nohe.

That’s why young people are the focus of World Blood Donor Day this time. They should be reached with campaigns in social networks. The industry appeals that anyone who is in good health should definitely donate blood. We clarify who can donate everything.



Who can donate blood?

Any adult between the ages of 18 and 59 (permanent donors up to the age of 68) with a minimum weight of 50 kg may donate. The donor should be completely healthy and not have taken any medication. You should also eat well and drink enough before making a donation. A valid identity card or passport is required. How often donations can be made in a calendar year varies by gender.

Blood donation good for body

Every blood donor not only does something good, they also receive a health check at the same time. Your own blood count is determined, values ​​such as the hemoglobin value are checked and the German Red Cross according to them, “a blood donation has a positive effect on blood pressure”.

Some questions need to be answered

Should you decide to donate blood, you will need to answer a few questions designed for your own good and that of the person who may receive your blood. The questions could be, for example: “May I donate if I’ve had a cold?” or “May I donate if I’ve been on vacation abroad?”. If you want to answer the questions in advance, you can here do the check in advance.

Author: Joachim Schultheis (with dpa)

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