World Breastfeeding Week 2024: IMSS Oaxaca Promotes Exclusive Breastfeeding Support for New Mothers

by time news

2024-08-07 15:38:57

The World Breastfeeding Week is held from August 1 to 7, 2024.

The Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS) in Oaxaca reaffirms its commitment to promoting, supporting, and protecting breastfeeding among both insured and uninsured populations, on the occasion of World Breastfeeding Week taking place from August 1 to 7.

In this regard, the head of the Medical Benefits Services Department, Martha Escobar Vázquez, indicated that the Four Hospitals and 25 Family Medicine Units (UMF) of the Ordinary Regime promote and support exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life; and in children aged 2 years and older, who are fed with a combination of suitable and nutritious products for their age.

For this reason, there are multiple accompanying programs such as the Breastfeeding Support Group, which pregnant women and first-time mothers can participate in, where nursing staff provides informational talks, advice, and counseling, as well as resolving any doubts that may arise.

She explained that regarding the various doubts of first-time mothers about breastfeeding, for example, many stop feeding their baby because they believe their milk supply is insufficient, but this is false, as the breast produces milk based on the baby’s demand, provided that proper feedings are given and the baby latches correctly.

Another frequent doubt is that taking medications or being ill is incompatible with breastfeeding; to which the IMSS specialist indicates that, prior to a medical consultation, many medications can be taken during breastfeeding, as through breast milk, the baby receives antibodies that protect them from such illnesses.

Finally, she invited and urged women to seek information and visit Family Medicine Units, in order to achieve a nurturing and successful breastfeeding experience.

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Future Trends in Breastfeeding Support and Education

The observance of World Breastfeeding Week from August 1 to 7 highlights the growing commitment to promoting and supporting breastfeeding practices worldwide. As organizations and health institutions, such as the IMSS in Oaxaca, reaffirm their dedication, several future trends are likely to emerge in the realm of breastfeeding support and education.

Increased Access to Education Programs

With more healthcare providers actively promoting breastfeeding, access to education programs is expected to expand. This may include prenatal workshops and support groups tailored for expectant mothers and new parents. Hospitals and maternal care facilities might enhance their resources by offering virtual sessions, making it easier for mothers to seek help and information from the comfort of their homes.

Integration of Technology in Lactation Support

Technology is set to play a pivotal role in supporting breastfeeding mothers. Mobile apps that track feeding patterns, milk production, and baby health will likely become mainstream. Additionally, telehealth services specializing in lactation consultations could offer immediate assistance and advice, especially for mothers facing challenges or questions.

Breaking Myths and Misinformation

Efforts to educate parents about breastfeeding myths, such as concerns over milk supply and medication compatibility, are anticipated to grow. Public health campaigns may increasingly focus on dispelling misinformation through targeted outreach and personalized counseling, ensuring mothers receive accurate information to support their breastfeeding journeys.

Community-Driven Initiatives

Local communities are likely to take a more active role in promoting breastfeeding through initiatives that bring together health professionals and families. Peer support groups, community celebrations, and awareness days could foster a supportive environment for breastfeeding mothers, emphasizing the importance of shared experiences and mutual encouragement.

Policy Changes and Workplace Support

As organizations recognize the benefits of breastfeeding for both mothers and infants, workplace policies are expected to evolve. Companies may implement more robust breastfeeding-friendly policies, including dedicated spaces for nursing and flexible hours for breastfeeding mothers, leading to a more nurturing environment that promotes breastfeeding within the workforce.

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