World Cup: lively England, Swiss sweets, fervor in Uruguay … The best clips of the selections

by time news

The mood rises. In France, it is rather slowly: the fervor for the World Cup is desired but there is no doubt that it will climb before the flight in a few days against Australia. Among the 32 qualified countries, however, it’s starting to boil and what better way to stir up the desire than nicely packaged clips to show that a whole nation is behind its national team and that its country is the most beautiful.

On social networks, the rivalry is sometimes done with polished images to present your selection while waiting to score goals. Hold Switzerland: the Nati, faller of the Blues during the last Euro, begins its presentation with a long tracking shot of the Alps, the sweetness of life on the shores of Leman, tolerance. Are we talking about football? Yes, because to show that the World Cup will be part of the daily life of the Swiss for a month, the jerseys of the players flocked to their name slip into the landscape like eggs at Easter time. If we pay attention, at the end of the clip we know the names of the 26 selected.

Same process on the other side of the world, in Uruguay. Here too, we praise the merits of the first country to win the World Cup in 1930 with a clever idea from the start: locate each province of the country on a map to show where the players come from, to concern the entire population. This done, scroll images of a country which we do not ultimately know much. Like the Swiss, the Celeste jerseys slip into the daily life of the inhabitants, there to hang it on a washing line, here in a cultivated field… Original and brilliant: the video posted on November 10 has already been seen more than 8 million times while the country’s population does not exceed 3.5 million.

Denmark also makes you want to go quickly and after all, that’s also the purpose of the operation with its team presentations: to promote tourism. Its forests, its sea, the countryside: the country of the Vikings does things well, but it does not mix jerseys like “where is Charlie? “. The portraits of the 26 selected are carried by anonymous Danes who, hand on heart, say all the good things they think of the future opponents of the Blues. The clip ends in communion, in a full and bright stadium to show how much Denmark is behind its “dynamites”.

But the palm, for the moment and before other selections perhaps lend themselves to the game, goes to the English. On the other side of the Channel, no image of London but a cartoon already seen more than 2.6 million times. We cross a block of trendy building 100% World Cup where the names of the selected apartments appear randomly, there on a wall, here in a video game, on TV or on papers lying around. It’s pretty and it almost makes you want to encourage the English. The France team has not posted a clip of this type to show its strengths.

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