World Day to Fight Depression

by time news

2024-01-12 14:07:00

January 13 marks World Day to Fight Depression, one of the most common mental disorders, which is characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure (anhedonia) in daily activities. According to estimates by the World Health Organization (WHO), depression affects about 5% of the adult population worldwide and is the main cause of disability.

The most frequent symptoms associated with depression are:

  • difficulties concentrating and making decisions
  • feelings of guilt or low self-esteem
  • lack of hope about the future
  • sleep disturbances
  • changes in appetite or weight
  • feeling of marked tiredness or lack of energy
  • thoughts of death or suicide

Depression can affect anyone, although the prevalence is higher in women. There are different factors – social, psychological and biological – that can put people at greater risk of developing a depressive disorder, such as having suffered a traumatic event, going through grief or having a family history.

Depression can be prevented and it can be treated. To prevent it, it is essential that we maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet and resting well help us maintain good mental health. Furthermore, it can be treated effectively with psychological treatments, and in cases of severe depression, with medication.

If you present symptoms of depression, it is important that you seek professional help to identify the illness and begin appropriate treatment. You can also ask your family or people around you for help and explain how you feel.

If it is someone in your environment who has depression, try to adopt an empathetic and active listening attitude so that that person feels supported and understood, without relativizing their feelings. You can also encourage her to do an activity such as going for a walk, but without making her feel pressured, or help her with the development of her routines if necessary.

Resources on depression and mental health in Aragon:

Other links and sources of interest

#World #Day #Fight #Depression

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