World Down Syndrome Day: launch of the #InclusionReal campaign

by time news

Within the framework of World Down Syndrome Awareness Day, the civil association Cambiando la Mirada, which works to break down prejudices and open paths of opportunity for people with this genetic characteristic, presented a new awareness campaign, focused on the importance of give people with Down syndrome a real space to show what they are capable of and thus achieve real inclusion.

This year, Cambiando la Mirada broadcasts the original musical theme #INCLUSIONREAL, which highlights the difference between “diversity” and “inclusion” and proposes to go one step further.

“As a society we have come a long way in terms of diversity, but that has more to do with acceptance and integration. What we want to propose with this campaign is to go one step further: to give a true space so that the person can offer their contribution, show what they are capable of; and that their participation demonstrates the value of diversity”, shares Dolores Pisano Costa, founder and director of Cambiando la Mirada, an organization declared of Social Interest on November 3 by the Buenos Aires Legislature. “The phrase “Diversity is being invited to the party; inclusion, being asked to dance” I think it explains it very well and it does not apply only to people with Down syndrome. We want to propose to work for a #RealInclusion where we benefit [email protected]”, he adds.

This campaign and the musical production have the support of Fundación Macro and have the participation of celebrities and influencers such as Cris Morena, Geraldine Neumann, Zaira Nara, Maru Botana, in between [email protected]

Cambiando la Mirada is a civil association formed by parents of people with and without Down syndrome, who came together in 2019 to focus on the strengths and abilities of these people, to open paths that generate opportunities where participants can exploit their potential. and achieve the best version of themselves, adding value to society as a whole.

For more information about the association, visit

Lyrics of the Song Real Inclusion

Everything changes
if we give place
It’s time to
a real inclusion.

Do you remember that game you watched from the bench?
And the time at work when they never listened to you.
That play in which you were a set,
And when they hired you to stand there.

Being invited to the party, that’s diversity.
But inclusion is being asked to dance.
It is really giving the opportunity
to show everything you can contribute.

Everything changes
if we give place
It’s time to
a real inclusion.

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