World leaders must revive international cooperation for today and tomorrow [Antonio Guterres, SG ONU]

by times news cr

2024-09-10 11:55:35

THE negotiations has New York are in the final straight, before the holding this month of the Summit of thefuture, in which the heads ofState will agree on reforms lead with regard to pillars of global cooperation.

Si lThe United Nations has convened this unique Summit,East parce thatit’s necessary see the reality in front : Global issues are evolving faster that the institutions designed to find solutions.

He doesn’tthere is onlyto look around us. Fierce conflicts and violence inflict terrible sufferings ; THE divisionsgeopolitical issues are multiplying ; inequalities and theinjustice are everywherementioning confidence, aggravatedagrievances and foodant populism and theextremism. The age-old challenges of poverty, hunger,es discriminationsmisogyny and racism take new forms.

At the same time, we We also face new existential threats, whichtheyact of therunaway climate chaos and degradationenvironment ors technologies such asArtificial intelligence, which develops in an ethical and legal vacuum.

The Future Summit recognizes that the solutions to all these challenges are in our hands. But we need a systems update that only world leaders can deliver.

The decision-making processhe international is frozen in the time. Many global institutions and tools are the product of 1940s avant globalization, before decolonization, avant that the universal human rights andand prince of thegender equality have been consecratedbefore theThe first human flight in thespace not to mention cyberspace.

The victors of the Second World War conservent their preeminence within the Security Council of theUnited Nations, while theThe entire African continent does not have even noa permanent seat. Lfinancial architecture global pressure weighs heavily on developing countries and does not offer themno net safety whenthey meet difficultiesleaving them croulis under debts, thatThey are forced to repay instead of being able to invest pour their population.

Furthermoreglobal institutions n’offer that little space to many major players in today’s world, whether it is of civil society or of private sector. Young people, who inheritont of the future, are almost invisible, while the interests of future generations are not represented.

The message is clear: it is impossible to build a future worthy of our grandchildren in the straitjacket ofa system built for our grandparents. The Summit of thefuture will be theopportunity to relaunch multilateral collaboration for theadapter au XXIe century.

Among other solutions, we have proposed a New Agenda for Peace, focused on the modernization of international institutions and tools for conflict prevention and resolution, including the Security Council. United Nations. The New Agenda for Peace calls for to redoubleefforts to rid our world of nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction, and to thebroadening the definition ofyou concept the security to encompass gender-based violence and gang violence. It also takes into account the threats that will weigh on security infuture, taking into account theevolution conflicts et dThe risks that could be posed by the militarization of new technologies. For example, we must reach a global agreement to ban lethal autonomous weapons, which can decide the life or death ofothers without human intervention.

Global financial institutions must reflect the worldtodaytoday and be equipped with the necessary means to better respond to contemporary challenges : debt, sustainable development, climate action. Concrete measures are therefore needed to combat over-indebtedness, increase the lending capacity of multilateral development banks and change their model. economic so that developing countries have much greater access to private finance at affordable rates.

Without this funding, developing countries will not be able to answer has the largest of menaces : the climate crisis. They need dand resources urgently pour passer from fossil fuels, which are destroying the planet, to clean, renewable energy.

And as world leaders lhave emphasized theLast year, the reform of theglobal financial architecture is also essential in order to‘accelerate les progress towards les Osustainable development goals which our world desperately needs.

The Summit Leaningalso has on new technologies having a worldwide impactlooking for ways to bridge the digital divide and‘establishedr common principles for an open, free and secure digital future for everyone.

LArtificial intelligence is a revolutionary technology whose applications and risks we are only just beginning to see. We have presented specific proposals for governments, technology companies, academia and civil society to work on frameworks for managing the risks of AI, monitoring and mitigating its harmful effects, and sharing its benefits. The governance of theAI cannot be left to the rich; all countries must y participate and lUnited Nations is ready togather everyone.

Human rights and thegender equality represent the common thread of all these proposals. The process decision-making world can only be reformed with respect for thetogether human rights and cultural diversity, ensuring the full participation and leadership of women and girls. We let’s ask new efforts to remove historical barriers legal, social and economic which exclude women from power.

The peacemakers of the 1940s have created institutions that have allowedis dprevent theburst ofa third world war and accompanied many countries from colonization toindependence. But they would not recognize the global landscape oftodayhui.

The Summit of thefuture is theopportunity to build more effective and inclusive institutions and tools for global cooperation that are adapted to the 20th century.Ie century and our multipolar world.

J’invite THE leaders has to input this chance.

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