World Mental Health Day – Islam Online

by time news

World Mental Health Day is celebrated on 10 October each year to raise public awareness of mental health issues, conduct more open discussions on mental illness and make investments in both services and prevention methods. What is the difference between mental health and mental health?

Statistics issued by the World Health Organization in 2002 indicate that 154 million people suffer from depression at the global level, noting that depression is only a type of mental illness. The first celebrations were in 1992 at the initiative of the World Federation of Mental Health, an international mental health organization with members and partners in more than 150 countries.

What is the science of mental health and what is its importance?

On World Mental Health Day, we should know the science of mental health, Andis that This is the science that means that a person has reached a state of psychological compatibility with himself and others and his ability to face various crises positively and provide solutions to them with the optimal use of his latent energies and employment to reach a more stable and integrated state.

The science of mental health is of paramount importance, as mental health is very important for the individual, as it leads to achieving compatibility, harmony and integration between the characteristics of the individual’s personality in its mental and emotional aspects, as well as contributing to investing his various energies in the fullest manner in order to achieve his goals in life and make him feel his entity and existence Thus, it is a basis for a person’s exercise of his role in life. The student, the teacher, the worker and the doctor cannot each perform his role according to what is required of him and he does not enjoy mental health. The importance of mental health also comes in the impact it has on the physical health of the individual, as exposure to crises and psychological pressures It may result in many diseases of psychological origin, such as stress, diabetes, etc., and attention to it is an educational goal in itself due to its importance in achieving various educational goals. To achieve complete harmony and harmony on the personal and social levels.

What is the difference between mental health and mental health?

The difference between mental health and mental health is great, in all aspects, and the most prominent of these differences is that the mentally ill patient feels that he is imprisoned and has a crisis, but he cannot solve the problem, but the mental patient does not know that he is sick or suffers from a problem and imagines that he is normal.
In the case of mental illness, a person is dominated by a state of depression, sadness and lack of adaptation with others, but does not develop to suicide, for example (except rarely). Those around him, unlike the mentally ill who harm others.
In the treatment phase, in the case of the psychiatric patient, cognitive-behavioral therapy is used, and drug therapy is used only in rare cases.
The most prominent psychological disorders are: anxiety, phobias, hysteria, obsessions, compulsions, personality disorders and obsessions. Among the most prominent mental disorders: schizophrenia, psychosis and paranoia of all kinds.
As for the symptoms, every mental or psychological disorder has individual symptoms, but there are common factors in psychological and mental disorders.
Symptoms of mental disorders include: a state of depression, internal conflict, social isolation, lack of adaptation to those around, lack of self-acceptance, lack of acceptance of others.
As for the symptoms of mental disorders, they appear in: a state of dispersion and confusion in speech, persecutory feelings, delusions and auditory and visual hallucinations, and a desire to commit suicide.

What are the goals of mental health?

Mental health aims to reach many results and goals that can be summarized in the following:

  1. A person’s understanding of himself, his feelings, tendencies, crises, and psychological illnesses that may afflict him.
  2. Enlightening him with methods of treatment and self-taming.
  3. It helps in understanding the souls of the society that surrounds it and the feelings or psychological crises that afflict them.
  4. Achieving psychological and social compatibility with the person and feeling happy with oneself and with others.
  5. Self-realization of individuals and the exploitation of their abilities in the best way.
  6. Training them to face life and its difficulties and problems.
  7. Taking the human hand to reach psychological integration, ie a feeling of reassurance.

What are the target groups of mental health?

Mental health science targets all segments of society that suffer from psychological disorders, and the inability to adapt in addition to unhealthy people.

first class: Yourselves, that is, it helps you to know yourselves and what is marred by crises, pests and psychological diseases and how to treat them, as it was mentioned in the honorable hadith: “He who knows himself knows his Lord.” How many of you suffer from psychological conflicts that do not know a solution.

second class Society: To help you know the community around you, including family, friends and relatives, and explain their behavior and emotions, what comes out of them, what they suffer and how to help them.

third classStudents: Students have feelings, tendencies, aspirations and needs, and they suffer from conflicts, mental illnesses and a lack of adjustment, and this affects their psyche and moods, which affects their academic level.

mental health standards

The views of scientists concerned with the study of psychology and behavior differed in determining the normal and abnormal personality, as each group adopted a set of criteria and a number of them prevailed in the scientific community, such as:

Self Standard: It means that everyone who disagrees with me is considered gay, and everyone who agrees with me is considered equal, and it is a subjective standard whose credibility cannot be trusted in judging human behavior.

social norm: It takes keeping pace with social standards as a basis for judging behavior, whether it is normal or abnormal. The normal behavior is the behavior that is compatible with the values ​​and customs of the society, while the abnormal behavior is the one that does not conform to those social customs and traditions.

Statistical Standard: This criterion takes the average or the common as a measure that represents the normal state, and thus the anomalousness is the deviation from this average, an increase or a decrease, and this criterion does not differentiate between a genius person and a person suffering from mental retardation.

perfect standard: This criterion sees normality as the ideal or perfection or close to it, and anomalism as the deviation from the ideal or perfection.

objective psychological standard: The behavior according to this criterion is described by the function it performs within the personality unit, in addition to its significance. If the behavior has a functional significance and works in harmony and harmony with the components of the personality, it is called normal behaviour, but if its function and significance are not governed by this consistency, it is called abnormal behaviour.

Factors and causes of mental disorders

What are the risk factors for mental health? Mental disorders are believed to be caused by a combination of factors, including:

  1. Factors associated with physical illness or injury. Poor mental health can be both a cause and a consequence of a chronic physical illness or permanent physical injury.
  2. Lifestyle factors. Some lifestyle choices, such as lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, or being overweight, have been considered as the cause of mental disorders.
  3. Biological factors and hormonal changes, where a chemical imbalance in the brain and levels of some hormones that control feelings and mood are a contributing factor..
  4. Genetic factors. As in the case of many other diseases that are affected by genetic factors such as diabetes and heart disease, the presence of certain genes or a family history of mental illness may increase the risk of developing a mental disorder.
  5. Psychological factors. Some people appear to be more likely than others to develop psychiatric conditions. For example, someone who worries a lot, has poor self-confidence, is perfectionist, is sensitive to personal criticism, is self-critical, or has a negative approach to life is more likely than others to be affected.
  6. Environmental and Social Factors Exposure to environmental stressors and conditions can increase the risk of developing mental disorders:
  • Poverty or low social status
  • isolation
  • Discrimination and discrimination
  • Adapting to a new living environment or culture
  • Unsafe working conditions
  • Living in a polluted or hostile environment
  • Stressful and discouraging work environment
  • Unsupportive family or work environment

Mental health and the corona pandemic

The Corona pandemic has had a severe impact on people’s mental health. On the anniversary of World Mental Health Day, we find that some groups have been particularly affected, including frontline and health care workers, students, people living alone and those with pre-existing mental health conditions. At the same time, mental health and neurological services and services for substance use disorders were severely disrupted.

However, there is cause for optimism. During the World Health Assembly in May 2021, governments from all over the world recognized the need to improve the quality of mental health services at all levels. Some countries have already devised new ways to provide mental health care to their populations.

Source : Multiple sources

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