World Stray Animals Day – April 4th

by time news

THE World Stray Animals Day was established in 2010 to raise awareness of the plight of the estimated millions of homeless people living in very poor conditions on our planet. Animal welfare organizations promote on this occasion adoption of stray animals while emphasizing the need for care and protection them from various dangers, including lack of food and water, abandonment, human violence, overpopulation, weather conditions, illegal breeding, diseases, etc. In particular in our country and after the recommendation of the Institute of Educational Policy, the specific day is established as Panhellenic School Philanthropy Day and will be dedicated to the implementation of relevant actions.

See from Archive of ERT episode of the series MEETINGS WITH NOTABLE PEOPLE with Title GREEK ANIMAL RESCUE.

It is his social documentary series Menelaus Karamaggiolis, which highlights the unseen heroes and heroines of hard everyday life and the impasses that arise within it.

In this particular episode, heroes-protagonists and of course, “remarkable people”, are the members of the animal welfare organization “Greek Animal Rescue” and the members of the animal welfare group “The ghosts of Aspropyrgos”.

The episode begins with Vesna Jones to talk about her life, about how she founded it Greek Animal Rescue, about the first vacations in Greece and identifying the issue with strays in our country. The following is the volunteer of the organization, Diane Chapman. which talks about the action of the animal welfare organization and the problems of strays, mainly dogs. Among other things, the case of the first disabled dog adopted by Greece through this specific initiative is shown.

Then the volunteer from the Ghosts of the White Tower Christian Bartoc and the resident of Aspropyrgos Mr. Spyros about the situation with stray dogs in the area. It mentions the problem of paper recycling and the fires from which the animals have been endangered, as well as the reasons for the concentration of so many strays there. Specific cases of dogs are shown, the problems they faced in their health, the treatments followed, their progress.

The volunteer Roy Bolonaki he takes us to the Nea Zoi camp and tells us about the gathering and the problems of the stray dogs there while volunteers try to treat a puppy. Then Bolonaki leads us to the gypsy Calliope and her family who also explains that people drop off their dogs in her area. Emphasis is placed on abandoned factories with abandoned dogs tied up, but also waste that creates hazards for dogs and people.

Finally, the cases of adoptions of stray Greek dogs by English people are presented, through the experiences of its members Greek Animal Rescue Marion Birnbaum, Carmen Dempsey Bobin, Liam Byrne and John Bobin. The episode closes with the artist Pandora Mourikis to welcome the dog she adopted from the Ghosts of Aspropyrgos to her home.

It is worth noting that it is included audio clip with Vesna Jones BBC interview. Also, it is mentioned Geraka Veterinary Center from where there are also shots.

On page interactive versions of episodes of the series, with augmented material, are presented at film/greek-animal-rescue/interactive in particular there is the interactive version of that particular episode.

Screenplay-Director: Menelaos Karamaggiolis

First view: 28/11/2018

Production: 2017

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