World Tuna Day 2023

by time news

2023-05-02 11:48:10

World Tuna Day is celebrated on May 2., a date to claim the sustainable fishing of this species subjected to excessive fishing exploitation. Due to its great nutritional values, it is one of the most threatened fish due to excess demand. The celebration of this fairly recent day, since the United Nations Organization (UN) approved it in 2016 and was commemorated for the first time on May 2, 2017.

Tuna could “die of success” if we do not take measures to prevent excessive exploitation of this marine species. Many countries in the world depend on tuna for nutrition, economic development, employment, and even culture and leisure. Currently, 96 countries have a tuna fishing sector, with thousands of vessels fishing the world’s oceans. The Tuna species represent 20% of the value of total marine fishing and more than 8% of all seafood that is traded in the world. For this reason, and for the value of the species itself, it is necessary to protect the resources and ecosystems of these fish.

May 2 is the date chosen to raise awareness about the importance of tuna for a healthy global diet and economic development. Not in vain is it the most consumed fish in the world, one of the best-known varieties of oily fish, rich in proteins of high biological and nutritional value that make it a very precious food to take care of our health.

Healthy properties of tuna in our diet

· Protects the heart and cardiovascular system: within the range of blue fish, it is one of those that contains the most omega 3 fatty acids (between 0.5 and 1 milligrams per 100 grams). These fats are healthy for the body as they help lower cholesterol and triglycerides.

· Helps increase muscle mass: constitutes a complete source of protein since it contains the ten amino acids that the body needs for good cell development, as well as to maintain a healthy immune system and replenish or increase muscle tissue and mass.

· Combat the harmful effects of the sun: Another of the benefits it provides is skin protection, especially from the unwanted effects of the sun, reducing the risk of skin cancer.

· It’s satiating: its high nutritional value makes it a good ally to monitor overweight and incorporate it into diets.

· Promotes good humor: some of its components such as omega 3, selenium and vitamins B6 and B12 favor a better state of mind.

Some data on tuna and its fishing and food exploitation

· According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) 33.3% of the main tuna stocks are subject to exploitationendangering their biological conditions.

· Are produced more than seven million tons of tuna year.

· Tunas swim at a frequent speed of 3 to 7 kilometers per hour, but can reach between 70 and 110 kilometers in extraordinary situations. In fact, they travel great distances during their migrations and they can travel up to 50 kilometers a day.

· Son large fish: the bluefin tuna can measure up to 3.60 meters and can weigh between 200 and 400 kilos. The largest tuna ever caught, which is registered by the International Sport Fishing Association in 1979, weighed 679 kilograms and was caught in Nova Scotia, Canada.

· Are able to jump very high out of the water and are known to team up with dolphins to protect themselves from sharks. In addition, they can dive up to 400 meters deep.

· They lay millions of eggs a year: They only reproduce once a year, but they are capable of laying 100 million eggs each time. Of course, very few are those who end up becoming adults.

· Blood is the key to its flavor: they have very warm blood, specifically 15ºC higher than sea temperature. Because they swim in cold water, they need warmer blood to combat the cold, which directly affects the flavor of their meat.

· You can use practically all parts of the tuna. Beyond the belly and loin, which are the most typical parts, more than 20 different cuts of fish can be extracted. This is thanks to innovation and the use of products gourmet that use parts that were previously wasted.

· Japan is the largest consumer in the world: It is the country that most demands this product since its consumption represents 80% worldwide.

#World #Tuna #Day

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