World’s first successful bowel transplant in one-and-a-half-year-old girl

by time news

And the liver, spleen and pancreas were removed.

symbolic image | Photo: UNI

Madrid: Almost all the organs in one and a half year old Emma’s stomach belong to someone else. Intestines, liver, pancreas, spleen, and other parts of the digestive system. All of them have become a part of her body today.

Emma is healthy like all babies. Her parents will be happy. Emma will now be the first person in the world to undergo a successful bowel transplant.

The rare surgery was performed at La Paz Hospital in Madrid, Spain. The hospital authorities informed the world on Tuesday.

Emma is Spanish. After a month of birth, the doctors realized that her intestines were full. Health was deteriorating day by day. There was no other way to save life but to transplant the internal organs. That’s when someone appeared as a life giver.

Emma received all of his internal organs after he died of a heart attack. Organs were kept alive by an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) system as the heart stopped beating. ECMO does the heart’s work with a machine. Remove carbon dioxide from the blood and replenish it with oxygen. The organs thus taken were placed one by one in Emma. Emma’s mother thanks the donor’s family and doctors for giving her daughter back her life.

Spain example

Spain is a model for the world in organ donation. Last year, around five thousand organ transplants were performed here. This is eight percent more than in 2020. This is because individuals volunteer for organ donation here and asystole donation is high which makes organ donation possible even if the heart stops.

Content Highlights: organ donation, first successful intestine transplations surgery in the world, health

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