World’s largest underground city discovered in Turkey?

by time news

On the occasion of works concerning the alleys and historic buildings of the city of Midyat [petite ville peuplée de chrétiens syriaques, dans le sud-est du pays], the director of the museum of the city also responsible for the excavations, Gani Tarkan, made by chance the discovery of a cave of important size. While excavating and clearing the cave, he and his team made another discovery: “By exploring and clearing this cave located under a house and which served as a stable and a deposit, we realized that it was itself connected to other caves, which formed a network of underground galleries”, remembers the archaeologist.

To discover this underground city, then followed excavations, which are currently directed by two archaeologists, supported by two historians, a restorer and nine workers. So far, the team has unearthed a silo, wells, a place of worship, an extensive network of galleries and numerous objects from the IIs.e and IIIe centuries, which proves that the buried city was active at the time

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Archaeophiles (Istanbul)

Created in 2014, the free online media Archaeophiles is dedicated to current archeology in the world and in Turkey in particular. Animated on a voluntary basis by doctoral students and professional archaeologists, this media intends, with its slogan “archeology for all”, present advances in the discipline in an educational way, make known the rich Turkish archaeological heritage and raise awareness among its readers of the importance of its conservation and exploration.

On its website or on its Twitter account, which has more than 100,000 subscribers, Archaeophiles offers new general culture articles every day on the discipline or on recent discoveries made in the country.

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