World’s Oldest Person, Maria Branyas, Passes Away at 117, Leaving Behind a Legacy of Wisdom and Resilience

by time news

Maria Branyas, considered the oldest person in the world, has died at the age of 117 in Olot (Girona), in the nursing home where she had lived for years. Her family announced the death in a message on X. “Maria died as she wanted: while she was sleeping, peaceful and without pain.” In the same message, her family assures that they will always remember her for her advice and the kindness of her words, recalling those she spoke days ago: “One day that I do not know, but which is very close, this long journey will be over. Death will find me weary from having lived so much, but I want to be remembered smiling, free and satisfied.”

All Longevity Records Broken

Born in San Francisco on March 4, 1907, of Catalan origin, Maria had surpassed all longevity records, even that of the Japanese Tomka Itooka, born on March 23, 1908, who will now receive the title of the oldest person in the world. Branyas had lived for years in the Santa Maria di Tura residence in Olot. At 113, she survived COVID-19, and her unique case was the subject of numerous studies. Among these was that of the Josep Carreras Research Institute, whose director, Manel Esteller, explained to the media that her longevity was due to the fact that “the age of her cells is 14 years younger than that indicated by her DNA.”

The Post on Social Media

Just hours before her death, the woman said goodbye with a message on social media from her account, managed by those who assisted her: “And when my voice falls silent with death, my heart will continue to speak to you of my love,” quoting Tagore. “I feel weak. The hour is approaching. Do not cry; I do not like tears. And above all, do not suffer for me. You already know me; where I am going, I will be happy, because in some way, I will always carry you with me.”

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