Worn out by the Covid-19 and worried about the future, caregivers mobilize on Tuesday

by time news

The fire smolders again in the hospital. Caregivers and other agents are called to a day of mobilization this Tuesday, June 7. Worried by the Covid-19, disappointed by the “Ségur”, worried about the summer, nine unions (including CGT, SUD and CFE-CGC) and collectives (including Inter-Hôpitaux and Inter-Urgences) are trying to revive the social movement white coats, before having, according to them, “to count the dead” for lack of means to treat the sick.

According to a list drawn up by the CGT, rallies are planned in at least fifty cities: in Paris, in front of the ministry, but also Grenoble, Marseille, Nantes and Toulouse or even in Cherbourg, where Emmanuel Macron came last week to announce a ” flash mission” on emergency services. At least 120 of them have already been forced to limit their activity or are preparing for it, according to a count established at the end of May by the Samu-Urgences de France association. It is moreover its president, François Braun, who will have to submit the conclusions of the “flash mission” to the Head of State by the end of June.

“Catastrophe situation”

A calendar which amounts to “postponing the decisions after the legislative elections” of June 12 and 19, when the health system is already “in a disaster situation”, denounced the emergency doctor Christophe Prudhomme, of the CGT-Santé, this Monday on RFI.

In an interview with the regional daily press on Friday, Emmanuel promised to “take emergency decisions as early as July”, justifying this delay in order to “look at emergency service by emergency service and Samu by Samu, territory by territory where there are needs”.

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