Worrying: the reason you might lose your job

by time news

layoffs (shutterstock photo)

Artificial intelligence is the most talked about technology topic thanks to the boom of ChatGPT. The artificial intelligence (AI)-powered chatbot, created by Microsoft-backed OpenAI, has impressed (and shocked) with its ability to answer questions, write articles and even argue legal cases.

The capabilities of artificial intelligence have put another issue at the forefront of people’s minds: whether, how and when artificial intelligence might affect their work and their careers? And while there are concerns about AI-based technology taking over people’s jobs, experts say it’s not that simple.

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So will artificial intelligence replace or create jobs? The short answer to the question is: absolutely yes.

Developments in artificial intelligence mean that technology can achieve more and more, and that will obviously affect workplaces, says Stephen Miller, emeritus professor of information systems at the Singapore Management University. “As physical machines, software systems, and combinations of hardware and software become more capable as a result of enabling artificial intelligence, it is increasingly possible and economically viable to replace a larger portion of today’s human work with machines,” he explains in an interview with CNBC.

Some roles are more vulnerable to this than others, Miller adds—especially those that are highly repetitive or based on very specific instructions or rules that spell out what needs to be done.

On the other hand, tasks that change frequently and therefore require things like adaptability and flexibility are harder for technology to replace.

Jobs with a strong human element — like being a caregiver — aren’t particularly likely to be taken over by technology, according to Dimitris Papniklou, a finance professor at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. “It is much more difficult to replace jobs that emphasize interpersonal skills with artificial intelligence,” he claims.

“The concerns are not surprising,” clarifies Steve Chase, consulting leader at KPMG US, “as with most technological advances, an initial fear of job loss among employees is natural.”

“However, it’s important to remember a few points,” he adds, “First, similar disruption has happened in the past: for example, the spread of computers, or more advanced and specialized machines in factories. These changed the way people work and what kind of work they do – and they did change some Jobs for the unnecessary – but today, we can’t imagine life without them.”

It’s a centuries-old process, Miller says, adding that history shows that if jobs are lost to new technology, other roles have been created in their place. “The creation of new jobs resulting from the ability to create and provide new types of goods and services far exceeded the number of jobs that were displaced,” he explains.

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