Written on the head – Rajeshwari A0. Books by Menon

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“I am the one who tried to run and read the book but failed and ran after the book” before Dr. Sukumar has come to Azhikode’s lecture. As a reader, I have often wondered what the meaning of this opinion is.

There are other brilliant characters in the story, which progress through the thoughts and actions of Kakutty named Haridas, grandmother named Bhama, Kakutta’s mother Devi, father Anantha and Chemba. Hari sees the river itself from a different point of view. The face of the boat that he saw in front of him when he sank and covered the confluence, the call of his grandmother “Kakutta” that rang in his ears led Hari to a flood of memories. Kiran’s words that “Whatever is seen is a wonderful reality” also helped it a lot. Harry thinks that the old man is his father, Anant. Hari, who hides the rays of sorrow that has come from the crowd, wakes up in us too. Back in the room, Hari tries to get rid of the memories and watch many TV shows, but fails. He remembers his wife and daughter, Swathi. Finally, he calls his grandmother, who lives in Thrissur.

From there the novelist goes to Bhama and Devi. It is presented very lovingly how much Devi loved her sister-in-law Bhama, and at the climax of that love, Devi sacrifices her own life. Later we see Bhama, who sacrifices all his comforts and lives his life only for Kakutan. Devi, who lives with a broken heart, gives her Hari to Bhama in one dream.
Here the novelist entrusts the forward course of the story to a jester, (clown) and hides on the sidelines without fully trusting him. Like a writer telling a story with a parrot.
The story of an 18-year-old girl starts from the 18th page, and the clown does all this by reading what is written on the head and trying to make an equation for it.

We feel that Anantanya, who gives the copper to bathe Bhama from the bed, expresses his inner feelings with anger to the goddess, at least sometimes has a hint of goodness. If the outside is rough, Anant cannot show the good inside, so Devi Bhama keeps Anant away. Bhama is disturbed by his helplessness when he sees her naked. Finally, when he thinks of marrying Chempan, both oppose him. Finally, Devi seeks refuge in death.
Bhama’s love for Kakutan is reflected in his efforts to bring Anant to the path of love. Anantha’s later attitude towards the copper makes it clear, but the carpenter’s words about Bhama’s desire to possess Anantha leave Anantha with mixed feelings. Then he wins Harry over with his soft approach. Thandutti also reminds Bhama a lot. Thandutti’s words make some emotional changes in Bhama. Undoubtedly, the storyteller’s question to the clown about whether the course of the story will change if he tilts a pen is undoubtedly to himself. The story underlines that it is not possible to change any title that has been experienced.

In the natya Anantane varutiilaka9, the copper that reaches Maritha is very clever. Maritha’s words become a ember for Anantan, who wakes up dreaming of Bhama. If there is an anger to kill each other, the infinite and copper mentality lying in two layers will be aroused in the readers. Kakutanu0 who says to Anantan, “Grandma told me to go” will make us cry.

Bhama’s gentle approach to Anantha who comes home instills fear in him and leaves. But in his one-sided approach, Bhama’s thoughts have been expressed by the novelist very eloquently. Bhama is helpless when he realizes that he will lose Anantan due to the decision taken by the meeting of the elders without thinking.

Anantana very gently asks Bhama to leave, but Marita, who bravely travels with Anantana, who is rowing a canoe to nowhere, is brutally terminated. He then goes to great lengths to correct the numbers in his caption. He hides away from everyone, never letting anyone know that he is dead or old.
Despite all these changes in his head, Bhama gives Kakuttan a good education and makes him an officer. Yet she takes refuge on her shores Hari approaches Bhama, who is reluctant to leave those shores, through his daughter Swati, and succeeds in doing so.
If Kochamma is sidelined through convoluted stories, Hari has to muster the courage to face them, and the way the novelist brings the story to its conclusion with his own logic is amazing.

The unique style, the progress of the story, and the flow of thoughts of the characters without falling anywhere show the writing skills of the novelist.

Rajeshwari A. Menon
Writes poems and stories and has published a collection of poems titled Chitaria Manshara. Lives in Veliyannur, Thrissur

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