wrote here 11 afraid? Expulsion order for Denis Cherkov and Michel Truni

by time news

Michel Truni, Denis Cherkov and Daniel Elazar (Photography of social networks)

The never-ending saga reaches a new ugly point. After the fraud division of the Tel Aviv police decided to shelve the investigation file in the case of Amoza Ltd., some of whose managers were network stars Denis Charkov and Michel Truni. Kaan 11’s reporter Daniel Elazar issued a restraining order against the two.

It should be noted that at Elazar’s request, the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court headed by Judge Raz Navon confirmed the order and stated: “After reviewing the request, a temporary order is hereby issued on a unilateral basis prohibiting the respondents or any of them from establishing any contact with the applicant, harassing him in any way, threatening him , follow him or harm his privacy. In addition, an order is hereby issued to remove the respondents or any of them from the applicant’s home or workplace for a distance of not less than 200 meters.”

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The order issued by Judge Navon will be in effect until March 13, 2023. Elazar, among other things, claimed that in the last year since he published the investigation, the two have been “harassing, threatening and attacking him in every possible way”, to the point of fearing for his life

In addition, the judge ruled: “After hearing the parties and perusing the pleadings, I considered that the request should be partially accepted, so that the temporary order issued by the Honorable Judge Idit Kleiman-Black will become a permanent order that will remain in effect for 3 months.”

Michel Truni and Denis Cherkov responded to MAKO: “Elazar submitted the request for threatening harassment – please note – a year and a half after the first case of ‘harassment’ he claimed. This, after he learned that the investigation file against Denis and Michel had been shelved and their names cleared of all Ravev and that he is now obliged to publish a notice of correction according to Section 25 of the Law on the Prohibition of Defamation, surprising timing. Also, Daniel Elazar lied to the court and claimed that we possess weapons with a license in his application, which is false (we have not possessed weapons since the army) and is not true. In addition, he He even claimed that we are linked to criminal elements in the underworld and want to murder him and make him disappear, thereby persuading the court to agree to the temporary removal order under false facts, all in order to get what he wanted for another cheap yellow item against Dennis and Michelle.

“Please explain: How does a journalist bully people and then file a restraining order against them? How does a journalist harass people on the street, near their residences, inside their properties, and then yell at them for attacking him back? He will also determine the way things will be conducted between them and its boundaries? Like this You don’t build a wall. He who has his hand in the cauldron, will be frustrated in the mirror and find the culprit for the burns.

“The funniest thing that adds to his claim is that Daniel Elazar was not ready for the judge’s request to impose a mutual exclusion order, and for some reason demanded that it be unilateral on the part of Denis and Michelle. Is this how a person who is afraid of being murdered behaves? To those people whom Kibul is ‘afraid of and feels disturbed’. A review of the court’s decision reveals that Elazar did not get what he wanted at all. The court determined that he is the factor escalating the relations between the parties. Also and most importantly – Elazar asked to remove the last videos that were uploaded in his case on the pages of Denis And Michel. The court rejected his request emphatically – so we invite you to enter our page and see the publications that Daniel Elazar tried to delete through a court order – without success.”

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