WYD 2023 in Lisbon, a rejuvenation of old Europe: a new era?

by time news

2023-08-02 17:20:00

EDITORIAL – Since yesterday Tuesday August 1 and until Sunday August 6, more than a million young people from all countries are in Lisbon, which for a time became the capital of the Catholic world, for the World Youth Days of 2023.

On the way to Portugal, in order to get to these World Youth Days which have represented their spiritual meeting par excellence since their creation by John Paul II, the 40 to 45,000 young French Catholics who make the trip may have seen this recent slogan from the Nike brand:

“Don’t belong to an era, start your own.”

A slogan that can be translated into French by: “Don’t belong to an era/era, create your own.”

This gimmick was developed to celebrate the thunderous start of the career of tennis player Carlos Alcaraz, who at the age of 20 has just won the Wimbledon tournament: the Spaniard strengthens his position as number 1 and opens a “new era” who without waiting for the end of that of the DNF (Djokovic, Nadal and Federer). In sports, the acronym DNF (“did not finish”, “has not finished” in French) is used for those who have not finished a sporting event! Without running out of air, this young man did not wait for the end of the DNF era to create his own.

And it can just as much, in an astonishing way, allow young believers to attest to their crooked rejection of an era that is often antinomic to Christian values. Allow in summary to illustrate a step aside vis-à-vis a society which is today subject to other values, imposed by those who are now called “globalists”.

In a singular and paradoxical encounter, this message from a multinational, to say the least, destroying a traditional socio-economic model, highlights the determination of this youth who wants to make things happen differently. Including in the business world, maintaining a vision of humanity that leaves room for respect and moderation: this has not always been taken into account by their elders.

Congratulations to you, young people!

Because I must admit with spite, regret and remorse, the generations that precede you – mine included and beyond the personal commitments and origins of each individual – have not always known how to mobilize and act against the evolution of a world “on the move” towards the incessant pangs of a civilizational and cultural regression leading to the destruction of an era.

The he was of certain politicians, including the inevitable Sarkozy-Hollande-Macron trio, to bring about and maintain a form of chaos got the better of the inclinations of the oldest among us to rise up against dangers that had yet been announced: loss of identity and of the French spirit, negation of the culture shaped within our country, demolition of the united and humanist social cohesion of our beautiful Nation. We are talking about young people, without taking into account what they want.

A terrible “programmed degeneration” of our most essential values ​​with which we have not been able to reconnect all together in the face of adversity, for example at the time of the health crisis, in the face of heretical management of the crisis on the scientific level and medical.

Instead of uniting the French people against amateurism and the lack of concern for the care of the power in place, the pandemic has generated major splits at the heart of families, provoked paradoxical injunctions and let false truths and true lies go to the declarations of certain politicians of their belief in science.

However, belief and science do not mix. Their association is part of a project that is neither forward-looking nor positive for the well-being of the population. One of its consequences was, precisely, to impose on the youth in a coercive way using the health pass, completely useless injections against a disease with almost zero lethality for their age group. An age group which, today, on the other hand, is exposed to a “chance” in 35 of suffering from myocarditis, one of the most serious side effects of mRNA vaccines.

No, young people did not protect their grandparents with anti-Covid-19 vaccines as promised by the government and pharmaceutical industry relays. These vaccines never stopped the transmission of the virus.

No, young people did not have to be confined, with the terrifying result of having put their psychological health at risk. It was not necessary, for nothing, to steal their time. This world in which science is not listened to, in which the most serious scientific studies rooted in reality are brushed aside by the media system, cannot be theirs. However, they must now reclaim it. Hope can help them. Their reason and their civic sense must do the rest, carried by their beautiful energy.

An additional point to encourage them to create “their own era” is that in March 2023, the number of births equaled the number of deaths in France (around 1800), with a birth rate that has been in permanent decline for years. decades and a mortality that increases with the aging of the population. Is having children part of the era drawn by these young people?

Beyond the fact that this is a real challenge for the French pension model based on pay-as-you-go (the youngest contributing to the retirement of the oldest), it raises questions about the future and the model of our country, its vitality and the desire to live there. Also, I can only salute this uninhibited youth who get up with enthusiasm and send a message of fantastic hope to all of us.

And this all the more so since the refrain of All the countriesthe tube of the artist GAB, which is currently the anthem of these WYDs with the refrain that we do not forget, could not be more explicit concerning the message that these responsible young adults who love their country send alternatively, as a bonus, to our leaders:

“I don’t think they realize the facts.”

It is good of that what it returns!

And similarly we can only note the strong poignant message of support that he sent to these young French people on the social network X.

It is time to remind older generations of this old Indian proverb:

“We don’t inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children.”

And I want to tell young people, all young people in France, that it’s up to you to recreate this world that we have failed to protect. You want to change era, you don’t lack air and the air of nothing… the future belongs to you. Just do it !

PS : Unfortunately this joyful demonstration was bereaved yesterday by the death of a young French woman, who died in a traffic accident while driving with two of her friends to join the bus that was going to take them to Lisbon. I would like to extend my sincere condolences to his family. And to wish my best wishes for a speedy recovery to the two other seriously injured young women, whose vital prognosis is fortunately not engaged.

#WYD #Lisbon #rejuvenation #Europe #era

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