X Global Forum showed – Baku is successful in the world ranking table – UPDATED by Tofik Abbasov

by time news

Author: Tofig Abbasov, political observer

The significance of the 10th Global Baku Forum is expressed not only by the fact that it is an anniversary one and a record number of participants gathered for it. Over the previous years, this platform has taken shape as a full-fledged intellectual platform capable of mastering the discussion of important problems with the promotion of new ideas, concepts and programmatic approaches. Azerbaijan has a whole range of positive acquisitions that have already turned the country into a mobile and important player in the international arena.

It is no coincidence that at the opening of the forum an address was read by Italian President Sergio Mattarella, WHO head Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and others.

The forum was attended by high-ranking UN representatives, current and former presidents, prime ministers, heads of parliaments, and other significant people. This indicates that Azerbaijan has succeeded in implementing plans that confirmed the high integration reputation of our country and the high efficiency of President Ilham Aliyev in the international arena.

Global Baku Forum - in search of ways to save the world

Global Baku Forum – looking for ways to save the world

It is natural that the message of British Prime Minister Sunak sounded thoughts related to how Azerbaijan mastered such an important, complex, labor-intensive, capital-intensive project as the Southern Gas Corridor, initiated the supply of electricity to Europe through the bottom of the Black Sea, based on “green” technologies. If the prime minister of a country like Great Britain pays tribute to the merits of the head of Azerbaijan, this indicates that world centers and leading players appreciate the contribution that our country makes to the world treasury.

It is necessary to pay attention to the total intellectual potential that the Global Baku Forum gathers with the organizational and coordinating support of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center. The reputation of an energy and transport hub has been firmly entrenched in our country, and now we see how the country is realizing itself as an established intellectual hub, which is able to analyze in detail the current agenda of the global world, make active decisions with the participation of bright minds, the world’s leading forecast centers, centers of political analysis and other similar structures.

As soon as these institutions and centers respond to the call of the Azerbaijani leader and the state on the need to coordinate efforts in search of answers to topical questions and dilemmas, it means that the Republic of Azerbaijan has been able to issue another important and full-fledged article in its service record. We are talking about Baku’s success in the world rankings as a capable player who can handle the activities of the global intellectual platform.

Undoubtedly, here we must say that a lot has already been done, but no less remains to be done. It is important to observe the principle of non-stop movement, because time, as an important factor in the life of a modern person, hurries. And it is no coincidence that the forum voiced the idea that the most useful time is the time that brings relief, is used for the benefit of people, societies and peoples. In this regard, the phenomenon of Azerbaijan, of course, makes us reckon with it and deserves a very high assessment.

Everything related to the speech of Ilham Aliyev as the chairman of the forum, of course, is of great importance. The President spoke about security issues that are always relevant. Regional security begins at our doorstep and includes concern for the speedy conclusion of peace with Armenia, which has lost the military campaign and continues today to try to destabilize the situation. The head of state spoke about energy projects, which, of course, also set in motion intellectual capacities.

Without energy there is no life, no future. The main motto of the forum – “challenges and hopes” – says that the organizers are aware that there are acute requirements, there are risks, there are challenges, and it is necessary to work collectively to develop acceptable solutions in order to meet the hopes of contemporaries.

Global Baku Forum has become a brand of international importance - Seoul University Professor for Day.Az

The Global Baku Forum has become a brand of international importance – Seoul University Professor for Day.Az

The Azerbaijani model of development and coexistence deserves great attention. The country has become a center of attraction for forces, energy and intellectual potential. Latvian President Egils Levits, in his speech at the forum, spoke about the importance of those initiatives that are important not only for Baku, but also for all countries of the world. Mr. Levits spoke about the importance of the principles of international coexistence, which are fundamental and strictly observed. It is necessary to reckon with the sovereign rights of states and peoples, otherwise irreversible processes arise that bring people only problems, troubles and hardships. This is a very important motive.

The President of Latvia is himself a lawyer by education, and he is well aware of how important it is in the conditions of the emergence of a new world order to comply with the old requirements and strictly comply with them. Otherwise, there will be chaos, confusion. And here influential forces should think about how to set an example of worthy positioning.

It is no secret that many of the countries that show arrogance and disrespect for the expectations of other peoples and states often create dangerous trends and precedents. This cannot be encouraged. Sane states must work towards rapprochement in order to prevent the spread of dangerous trends that threaten both the present and the future. The initiatives put forward by official Baku on this wave are in great demand, appropriate and capable of gathering the world’s intellectual potential to develop a serious strategy of action. It seems that as soon as these decisions pass to the implementation stage, the peoples will begin to feel significant relief.

The 10th Global Baku Forum can be called a landmark. Its outcomes will have a positive impact on the global atmosphere, creating new opportunities to overcome emerging challenges and justify the hopes of current and future generations.

The very idea that formed the basis for the formation of such a platform as the Global Baku Forum set in motion the intellectual, organizational, coordinating humanitarian capabilities of the International Center named after Nizami Ganjavi, the great Azerbaijani who left his mark on the history of mankind as a person with a worldview turned to the future . Despite the fact that Nizami lived in the 13th century, his visions, legacy and ideas are still alive today. This is the significance of the multifaceted work that Azerbaijan is successfully implementing on the world stage today.

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