Xavier Bertrand still wants to make his social right heard at Les Républicains

by time news

2023-07-01 05:00:35
Xavier Bertrand, president (Les Républicains) of the Hauts-de-France region, in a café in Paris, April 20, 2023. AGNES DHERBEYS / MYOP FOR “THE WORLD”

Xavier Bertrand is a polite man. When the president of the Les Républicains (LR) party, Eric Ciotti, invites him to the launch of the states general of the right, on June 17 in Paris, he takes on his Saturday as a very young dad (for the fifth time) to garnish the front row at the Cirque d’Hiver. “Xavier was there when others weren’t there by definition. We will say that it is surprising »said with a smile his friend Bernard Deflesselles, the secretary general of Nous France, the movement launched by Xavier Bertrand in October 2022, with two other LR presidential candidates in the sights, Laurent Wauquiez, president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, and David Lisnard, president of the Association of Mayors of France.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Xavier Bertrand launches his party, eyes riveted on the presidential election of 2027

At 58, the president (LR) of the Hauts-de-France region occupies the field, aware that his escapade far from his training between 2017 and 2021 cost him precious votes during the primary with a view to the 2022 presidential election. “We remain very attentive to the party, the last time we lose especially on a battle of cards”, explains Mr. Deflesselles, referring to the competition between candidates to attract the greatest number of members.

We France met on Saturday July 1 in Marcq-en-Barœul (North) for its “Estivale”, a festive meeting with the management team of the movement. The invitation card also went to LR members and the former minister summarizes his political line there, that of a right “who believes in authority, in the value of work, in the social ladder and the promotion of the middle classes”.

Is it a question of finally conquering the right thanks to its movement? “To launch a rocket, you also need an auxiliary engine”, nuance François Durovray, the president of the departmental council of Essonne, in charge of the pole ideas. To aim for the stars, his champion continues to affirm his “singularity” through Us France. “Even if I am attached to my political family, that does not prevent me from thinking that we have more oxygen to think outside and better rub our brains”observe Bernard Deflesselles.

“Not hidden”

On the side of the brains of the right, we listen to the little music played by Mr. Bertrand. “He remains popular in the polls and embodies a different sensibility on the right”, recognizes Annie Genevard, general secretary of LR. In private, other executives are more critical. Those close to Mr. Ciotti have not forgotten his media tour to criticize the pension reform, yet supported by the president of LR.

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