Xi Jinping reappointed, Giorgia Meloni took office, 150 million euros for the hospital… The five facts to remember from the weekend

by time news

Have you picked up the news? We summarize the main information of the last two days.

Xi Jinping secures full powers in China after 20th Communist Party Congress

Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing on October 23, 2022.

The President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, was reappointed on Sunday, October 23, at the head of the Communist Party, surrounding himself with loyal allies, to become the most powerful leader of modern China. “China cannot develop without the world, and the world also needs China”proclaimed to the press the leader, also renewed in command of the Chinese army.

The other spectacular display of Xi Jinping’s omnipotence came on Saturday when former President Hu Jintao was literally dragged out of the congress hall. As the press had just been admitted to the vast auditorium where the congress had been held behind closed doors until then, two men approached Hu Jintao, President of the Republic and General Secretary of the CPC from 2002 to 2012, the compelled them to get up, leave the tribune of honor and leave the room.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers China: Xi Jinping secures full powers after 20th Communist Party Congress

The far-right leader Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s first female head of government, takes office

Italian council president Giorgia Meloni rings the bell during her first cabinet meeting in her office in Palazzo Chigi, Rome, on October 23, 2022.

Italy’s outgoing Prime Minister Mario Draghi passed the torch on Sunday to postfascist Giorgia Meloni, the first woman to lead a government in Italy. This essentially ceremonial stage was marked by the symbolic handing over by Mario Draghi to his successor of the silver bell used by the head of government to regulate the debates in the Council of Ministers.

The composition of the new government reflects the desire to reassure Rome’s partners, who are worried about the coming to power in Italy, the founding country of Europe, of Mme Meloni, the most right-wing and most Eurosceptic of heads of government since 1946. The appointment to Foreign Affairs, with the title of Deputy Prime Minister, of the former President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani, a member of Forza Italia, and that of Giancarlo Giorgetti, a representative of the moderate wing of the League, already minister in the outgoing government of Mario Draghi, to the economy, should reassure Brussels.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Italy: far-right leader Giorgia Meloni presents a government intended to reassure Rome’s partners

In Ukraine, energy infrastructure bombed

Ukrainians have suffered massive power cuts since Saturday as a result of repeated Russian strikes targeting the country’s infrastructure. The national operator Ukrenergo carried out power cuts in kyiv on Sunday to « stabiliser » electricity supply, according to the private Ukrainian electricity supplier DTEK.

On Saturday, more than a million Ukrainian homes were without electricity following these Russian attacks on electricity infrastructure. For the past ten days, Russia has been stepping up attacks against the Ukrainian network, leading to the destruction of at least a third of its capacities as winter approaches.

Read also: War in Ukraine, live: Russian defense minister warns of “uncontrollable escalation”

The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation announced on Sunday that it also destroyed a depot with 100,000 tons of fuel intended for Ukrainian aviation, as well as several ammunition depots and an oil tank with diesel fuel intended for military vehicles. Ukrainians.

In the administrative region of Kherson, civilians were also called upon to leave ” immediately “ the town of the same name by the pro-Russian authorities of the oblast, who mentioned “an increased danger of massive bombings”. About 25,000 people have already been evacuated, according to a Kherson official, during operations launched since Wednesday.

Hospital: the Minister of Health releases 150 million euros for services “in tension”

The Minister of Health, François Braun, announced on Sunday October 23 the release of 150 million euros for “hospital services under strain”, especially in paediatrics. This plan should allow “an increase in staff, provided that we find them”underlined the minister on BFM-TV, against the backdrop of the crisis in the pediatric emergency services.

“It’s not new unfortunately, the hospital has been mistreated for decades”reacted the Minister of Health, after more than 4,000 pediatric caregivers sent an open letter to Emmanuel Macron on Friday, published by The Parisianto denounce the saturation of hospital pediatric services and its consequences on the health of the children concerned.

According to caregivers, the bronchiolitis epidemic saturates services already “exsanguinated”. To respond to this new bout of fever in the hospital, the executive has planned a “immediate action plan”announced on CNews the spokesman of the government, Olivier Véran. “We trigger, where necessary, the famous white plans to recall additional personnel and to have better cooperation in the territories”, he detailed. The white plan contains organizational measures intended to deal with an exceptional health situation or the increased activity of a hospital.

Read also: Hospital: the government releases 150 million euros to allow “an increase in staff, provided that we find them”, in services in tension

Women’s Rugby World Cup: France qualify for the quarter-finals

The French Charlotte Escudero (left) and Célia Domain (right) after a try during the meeting with Fiji as part of the Women's Rugby World Cup, in Whangarei (New Zealand), October 22, 2022.

By correcting the Fijdi (44-0), Saturday in Whangarei (New Zealand), during its third and last group match, the French team validated its ticket for the quarter-finals of the Women’s Rugby World Cup.

Deprived of Laure Sansus, injured in the cruciate ligaments and forced into an early retirement of a few weeks, and of several executives left to rest, the Blue did not seem destabilized against a playful but limited Fijian team. It only took Marine Ménager eight minutes to score the first try of the game. In total, the French women’s team will have scored seven tries during this match.

Read also: Women’s Rugby World Cup: thanks to an improved victory against Fiji, France qualifies for the quarter-finals

Place now in the quarter-finals, a stage of the competition that the Blue, third in 2014 and 2017, aim to pass. For that, it will be necessary to get rid of the fifth team of this group phase, and to wait for the last matches of this first part of the competition to know the identity of the future adversary of France, but the Blue ones already know that they could be called upon to face Italy, Australia or the United States.

And also :

Fuels. Renewal of the strike at the Feyzin depot

Budget 2023. The deputies Les Républicains will not vote for the motions of censure of the Nupes and the RN

Thunderstorms. From the Massif Central to the Jura, Alsace and Lorraine, twenty departments placed on orange vigilance

Military and energy cooperation. Faced with the rise of China, Japan and Australia sign a historic security pact

Germany. Demonstration in support of Iran brings together 80,000 people in Berlin

The world

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