XIII edition of Vertebración June 27 and 28 at the Teatro de la Maestranza

by time news

2023-06-26 15:36:20

The Andalusian Dance Association – PAD and the Sevillian Jazz Association – Assejazz, join forces for the XIII edition of Vertebrationcontemporary dance cycle that is held on June 27 and 28 in the Manuel García hall of the Maestranza Theater.

We know the close relationship between the music and the danza in the scenic arts and the pleasure caused by the synchrony of a movement with a note. Even so, they do not always establish the same type of dialogue and the possibilities that open up in this relationship are endless.
PAD Association

The collaboration proposal between dance and music will materialize in a real time creation with the dancers Alvaro Silva, Angela Munoz, Paula Carmona, Felix Arjona y Philip Valera and the musicians William Martin Viana, Bernardo Parrilla Garcia-Pelayo, Emilio Parrilla Garcia-Pelayo y Javier Galiana De la Rosa.

A structure is proposed that will be shared with the public and is divided into two parts so that the viewer has the possibility of observing and experiencing two versions of the same structure, the latter with ingredients that give a good balance between freedom and limit,
Natalia Jimenez – PAD.

Although the musicians chosen for this occasion have a lot of experience in working with dance and in free improvisation, working with dancers is always a source of enormous inspiration. In addition, doing it in real time through free improvisation is something new for some of them, since it is more common to work with an elaborate composition involved.
Bernardo Parrilla – Assejazz

Vertebration is a project that emerged in 2010 with the aim of becoming a meeting space and creative exchange between start-up companies and consolidated professionals. Throughout all these years it has been the backbone of different formats and scenarios that make possible the scenic creation in the city of Seville of the Andalusian creators and creators.

The Association of Professionals and Companies for the Development of Dance in Andalusia (PAD) is an entity with two decades of experience that brings together dance professionals and companies in Andalusia, representing them before public institutions, with the aim of promoting and supporting the sector, improving their working and training conditions and contributing to their professional development. It is currently made up of a hundred Andalusian companies and professionals. The PAD Association belongs to the State Federation of Professional Dance Associations (FECED) y a Dance-T, the network of dance workers.

The Sevillian Jazz Association (ASSEJAZZ) has its origins in the concerns of a group of musicians from Seville interested in jazz music and its diffusion at the end of 2012. It was established as an Association in December 2012 and began its activity in January 2013. It belongs to the Andalusian Federation of Jazz Associations (ANDAJAZZ), which brings together nine associations and which annually generates more than 550 concerts a year and in which more than 400 musicians and more than 1,500 members are associated.

#XIII #edition #Vertebración #June #Teatro #Maestranza

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