XIX AISF ODV Congress: the mechanisms that generate fibromyalgia

by time news

Given the ongoing pandemic, which prevents live meetings, and given the excellent success
of last year’s edition, also this year Italian Association of Fibromyalgia Syndrome
organizes its National Congress in live streaming, free and open to the public, on
official Facebook and Youtube channels of the association.

The appointment with the XIX National Congress AISF ODV is for 17-18 April 2021, It will be a
2-day live event with the possibility of seeing it again recorded on AISF’s social channels.
This year’s title – “The mechanisms that generate Fibromyalgia” – takes up the scientific focus
of the Congress, which will be developed on the afternoon of Saturday 17 by some members of the Committee
AISF scientist.

On the morning of Sunday 18 will be treated some effective complementary and non-complementary therapies
pharmacological, an often valuable aid for the fibromyalgia patient: mind-body techniques,
mindfulness, acupuncture, emotional self-awareness and self-management.

Alongside the indispensable therapeutic and scientific study, during the Congress it will be
as usual, ample space was given to the political situation and the institutional role of AISF in the
battle for the full recognition of the pathology. The projects will also be illustrated
of the association, created or to be implemented both nationally (FibroMiaApp) and locally, with
the contribution of the volunteers of the AISF Sections.

The artistic-literary corner closes the two-day congress, which can never be lacking in
AISF events, and the highly anticipated question and answer session with experts.

In the hope that the information and dissemination work of AISF ODV can reach an audience
increasingly large number of patients, professionals and interested public, we are waiting for you online Saturday 17
starting from 2.00 pm

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