xochitl-galvez-agenda-today-april-14-activities-and-what-he-said 2024-04-14 23:36:23

by time news

Before thousands of farmers in Camargo, Chihuahua, the presidential candidate of ‘Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México’, Xochitl Gálvez, offered to return the Natural Disaster Fund (Fonden) that the current federal government disappeared, as well as developing a comprehensive plan for the countryside.

He added that it is necessary to renegotiate the 2025 payment, which is required by the International Boundary and Water Treaty of 1944 due to the lack of rain and the intense drought in northern Mexico.

The presidential candidate for the PAN-PRI-PRD alliance expressed to the producers the urgent need to promote programs that allow installing efficient irrigation systems to make the most of the available water.

“I know how difficult it is to live in the countryside, I know what you suffer because it doesn’t rain, and even more so when it’s just a storm, but I also know that It is the countryside that feeds Mexicothat is why my recognition goes to the producers,” he noted.

Gálvez Ruíz stated that “we have the worst drought in many years, I offer you that you will have a president who will turn to the countryside and will serve the producers.”

Faced with cries of “get out morena”, the blue and white candidate expressed that “of course they have every reason to be angry with Morena, 20 support programs for the countryside were removed, Now there is no financing to buy tractors for you but what about for Cuba?”

President López Obrador does not want to declare an emergency due to drought since he eliminated the Fonden and does not want to support farmers, said Xochitl Gálvez.

Aware of the problems in the central-southern region of the state in which there was a “war over water” from the dams when the federal government tried to open the floodgates and send the liquid to Tamaulipas, she pointed out that alternatives must be sought.

He stressed that “I am going to defend Chihuahua’s water, we are going to renegotiate the 2025 payment to the United States, and we are going to work together with Nuevo León and Tamaulipas to find technical solutions to this problem and not based on politics.

There is a need, he said, to renegotiate the International Water Treaty by 2025, to save the next agricultural cycle as much as possible, since sending water a distance of 1,500 kilometers to Tamaulipas is totally unacceptable.

Two members of the Raramuri community presented the PAN-PRI-PRD candidate with an indigenous dress with accessories, which she wore with pleasure in front of the thousands of attendees from Jiménez, Parral, Ojinaga, Delicias, Rosales, Julimes, Saucillo, San Francisco de Conchos, Zaragoza Valley, López and Camargo.

The host Tony Meléndez, candidate for federal representative for the fifth federal district, welcomed the presidential candidate who arrived at the location aboard an agricultural tractor.

2024-04-14 23:36:23

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