Xóchitl Gálvez and Jorge Álvarez Máynez got involved in seeing what the worst old policy is

by times news cr

2024-04-10 17:51:18

In it first presidential debatethe candidate of the PAN, PRI and PRD, Xochitl Galvezengaged in an exchange of accusations with the Citizen Movement candidate, Jorge Álvarez Máynez.

Just in the early rounds of the first presidential debate, Xochitl Galvez launched against Jorge Álvarez Máynezby accusing him of not being consistent with his accusations to the “old politics”.

Given this and in his first opportunity to respond, the Citizen Movement standard bearer did not waste time and got involved in an exchange of accusations with the opposition candidate.

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” frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen” title=”FIRST PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE 2024 🗳️between Claudia SHEINBAUM, Jorge ÁLVAREZ MÁYNEZ and Xóchitl GÁLVEZ🍿”>

Xóchitl Gálvez affirms that Jorge Álvarez Máynez is also from the “old politics”

During a first approach to the topic of health, Xochitl Galvez deviated from the topic when questioned by Manuel López San Martín about the accusations of Jorge Álvarez Máynez against “old politics”.

Regarding the above, the PRI, PAN and PRD candidate affirmed that the Citizen Movement standard bearer, was also part of that so-called “old politics”.

To support his statements that he made in the first presidential debate, he showed a couple of images in which Máynez appears wearing a PRI shirt and another from the leader of the Citizen Movement, Dante Delgadonext to AMLO.

For this reason, Xóchitl Gálvez stated that his rival in the race also represents what he himself criticizes, which is why he asked him “let it go down a little” to their attacks.

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Xóchitl Gálvez against Jorge Álvarez Máynez (especial)

Jorge Álvarez Máynez got involved with Xóchitl Gálvez over accusations of the “old politics”

After the personal indication that Xochitl Galvez did against him because of what the “old politics”, Jorge Álvarez Máynez responded to his opponent’s accusations.

The most read about Mexico

In this regard, the Citizen Movement candidate said he would be happy to have it be Xóchitl who attacks him and not the other way around, after which she explained that the old and the new policy has nothing to do with what she said.

And Jorge Álvarez Máynez stated that the “old politics” is what figures like his colleagues represent. Alejandro Moreno and Manlio Fabio Beltroneswho have signs of corruption.

In that sense, he said that the “old politics” is not the previous militancy, but the acts that have been committed, after which he affirmed that Xóchitl Gálvez is the candidate of the worst PRI of history.

Jorge Álvarez Máynez responds to Xóchitl Gálvez

Jorge Álvarez Máynez responds to Xóchitl Gálvez (Video taken)

How are the presidential candidates doing?

In the last survey MetricsMX held in April 2024, the voting intention of Mexicans for the 2024 elections is outlined.

The Morena-PT-PVEM standard bearer leads the preferences, which could make her the first president of Mexico.

  • Claudia Sheinbaum: 57.1%
  • Xóchitl Gálvez: 23.7%
  • Jorge Álvarez Máynez: 4.4%

2024-04-10 17:51:18

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