XXIV City Council celebrates teachers on Teacher’s Day | Tijuana News

by time news

2023-05-16 05:48:52

Ensenada, BC- Within the framework of the 141st anniversary of the founding of Ensenada as an urban settlement, the Government of Ensenada celebrated Teacher’s Day with aat the commemorative civic ceremony, which was attended by teachers from the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE), sections 2 and 37.

The municipal president Armando Ayala Robles, prior to the delivery of recognitions for the educational sector and after the honors to the flag, stressed that the legacy is a fundamental part in the career of the teachers who always leave a mark in the step that their students take.

I warmly congratulate the family of teachers Raymundo Olmos Beltrán† and Gabriela Navarro García, who this morning share the recognition of the Ensenada community, both dedicated to teaching uninterruptedly,” said the municipal president.

Ayala Robles recalled some anecdotes of his school life where he shared with both at different times, including his time at the Colegio Fray Junípero Serra, where Navarro García was a teacher of algebra and mathematics at the secondary level.

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The mayor invited the teachers to strengthen the teaching where the minors analyzed, memorized, practiced and lectured on school subjects, without exceeding the use and handling of electronic devices, as is the case today.

The opening message was given by the Distinguished Teacher (in life), Gabriela Navarro and Raymundo Beltrán Montes, grandson of the Distinguished Teacher (post mortem) Raymundo Beltrán†, who thanked for the Antonio Melendres Medal received last weekend.

For her part, Catalina López Pérez, head of the Department of Education, stressed that recognizing the teaching work is one of the priorities of the Municipal Government, since the work that each of the teachers perform It will always be a contribution to society.

He considered that the secret of good teachers is to be genuine, to have a taste for learning and teaching, to leave a mark on the students, in addition to provide understanding, values ​​and strengths that are complemented by everything that he receives within the family.

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López Pérez made a call to respect the work of the teachers, since in addition to academically training students of different ages, they help them delve into their emotions, be empathetic, compassionate and work as a team.

to the ceremony, in which they delivered recognitions to the teachers, were Norma Silva Aguirre, councilor president of the Education Commission; José Rubén Best Velasco, General Secretary of the City Council; Irlán Alejandro Lozano Camacho, delegate of the BC Secretary of Education in Ensenada; María Ofelia Hernández Piña, representative of Section 37 of the SNTE region LV and Marene Mondragón López, representative of Section 2 of the SNTE region 8.

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