“Ya tchégbo” center: a shelter for victims of GBV in Cotonou

by time news

2023-11-16 16:06:44

Victims of gender-based violence (GBV) can now find refuge in secure accommodation. The “Ya tchégbo” emergency center set up in Kowégbo in the 2nd arrondissement of Cotonou was inaugurated on Saturday November 11, 2023.

The creation of a reception center for victims of GBV is one of the responses to various mistreatment suffered by survivors of gender-based violence. They are sometimes rejected by their families and have no shelter. “Ya Tchégbo”, which means in the Fon language “the misfortunes are over”is the name of the association which carried out the project.

”The victims will be accommodated for a period of at least three months”clarified Philippe Beseron, president of the association “Ya Tchégbo”.

Private initiative supports the government in its actions to protect Beninese women and girls, underlined Véronique Tognifodé, Minister of Social Affairs and Microfinance. The goal is to help women and girls rebuild their lives. “It’s also being able to give them the opportunity to physically escape (…). What you do for our women is concrete and it’s noble”she said.

Reception and psycho-social care

The center is staffed to receive victims. They will be able to confide in a social worker and a psychologist. A specialized educator will take care of their children. A housekeeper for collective life and a 24-hour site security service, as well as an action coordinator ensure the maintenance of the premises.

“It is a joy to know that a roof and human warmth await comforting the survivors of gender-based violence who will be welcomed here. This is why I wish them a long life at Ya Tchegbo and at this new center,” rejoiced Flore Djinou, executive vice-president of the National Institute for Women. The center also offers training opportunities to women to facilitate their social reintegration.

Fruit of multi-party cooperation

The project was carried out with the support of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Microfinance, the Cotonou City Hall, and financial support from the Netherlands Embassy to Benin. “We agreed to support this center because it is a means that will allow women who suffer acts of violence who dare to denounce to feel supported and accompanied,” said Joris Jurriens, ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The installation site of the reception center, which housed a library, was made available by the State and equipped by the association.

New instrument to combat GBV

The figures of Integrated System of Data relating to Family, Women and Children (SIDoFFE-NG) show that in total, 49,907 cases of GBV were recorded between February 18, 2019 and February 18, 2022 across the 12 departments of Benin. However, these data could underestimate the true extent due to low reporting, socio-cultural constraints and the financial dependence of victims. By opening its doors, the ”Ya Tchégbo” center supports the Social Promotion Centers (CPS) and the Integrated Care Centers (CIPEC) which support survivors of gender-based violence.

Fulgencia Hountondji

#tchégbo #center #shelter #victims #GBV #Cotonou

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