Yachts and luxury cars with waste money, arrests and kidnappings in Palermo

by time news – They bought yachts, luxury cars and villas thanks to the offenses committed in the waste sector in the province of Palermo, in Partinico. Three directors of companies connected with mafia members of the district of San Giuseppe Jato ended up under house arrest.

In all, there are five precautionary measures carried out by the Carabinieri and Financial Police of the Partinico companies for fraudulent bankruptcy, fictitious registration of assets and company shares, breach of contracts for public supplies, use of invoices for non-existent operations, money laundering and self-laundering. The seizure of assets for 2 and a half million euros has been triggered, seals on companies and luxury goods including a Ferrari.

In the context ofthe operation, called “Cogenesis”, also established the obligation of residence for an administrator and shareholder of some of the companies and the extent of the suspension from the exercise of public office against a municipal employee of the Municipality of Partinico.

An investigation started in 2018

The investigation started in September 2018, after an arson attack against some vehicles and structures of the municipal car park of Partinico. The soldiers of the Arma found elements of connection between the intimidation act and a procedure of assignment for the rental of the vehicles destined for the waste collection service that the local authority had awarded to C.Ge.Si. srl.

In particular, an “alleged connivance” between the municipal employee and the administrators of law and fact of the company would have emerged, which would have resulted in the omitted disputes for serious contractual breaches, the non-formal notice and termination of the contract against Co. Ge.Si. Srl as well as the failure to notify ANAC of the early termination of the contractual relationship.

Subsequent investigations and the examination of the financial flows delegated by the prosecutor to the Finance Police have allowed us to hypothesize that the suspects, through receivables arising from shareholders and relating to fictitious expenses for the purchase of fuel as well as other simulated transactions with a sole proprietorship in fact attributable to the suspects, would have made a fictitious increase in the share capital of Co.Ge.Si srl to increase the economic-financial and patrimonial solidity of the company and thus access more substantial calls for tenders, winning contracts issued by various local authorities for waste management.

A company had been made bankrupt

The entire corporate assets of Co.Ge.Si would also have been distracted. srl, leading it to bankruptcy, reinvesting the capital in real estate and luxury goods (including boats, watches and cars) and setting up the new Eco Industry srl based in San Giuseppe Jato.

The investigating judge then ordered the preventive seizure aimed at confiscating the profits deriving from the fraudulent bankruptcy and from the use of false invoices, of the Eco Industry srl company complex, of a property located in San Cipirello and of two luxury cars (a Ferrari 488 and a Range Rover Evoque), for a total value of over 2.5 million of Euro.


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