Yad Labanim chairman attacks: “I am ashamed that such people belong to the bereaved family”

by time news

The state memorial service for the victims of the hostilities was held at noon (Tuesday) on Mount Herzl. During Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s speech, calls were made to him by some of the bereaved families: “crook”, “disgrace”, “shut up” and more. On the other hand, parents who demanded that the shouters stop shouting, “Respect us.” The chairman of Yad Labanim, Eli Ben Shem, this evening attacked those who chose to shout at Bennett on the Knesset channel.

Ben Shem said: “I am ashamed. Shame. A small group of bereaved parents who also issued the press release, extremist and political people who are putting politics into bereavement. They are harming thousands of bereaved families, harming Mount Herzl. Holy of Holies. I condemn them, I condemn them. “I think it is a shame that such people belong to the bereaved family, they are hurting and destroying this holy day. I have no words. Shame and disgrace.”

He further said that this is not a handful. “This is a group of 20 parents I have known for years. Extreme people who have no one to talk to at all. They see only one and do not consider anyone. I am ashamed that such people belong to the bereaved family. They have harmed thousands of bereaved families.”

Calls also to Minister Shaked

Earlier today, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked also received calls and shouts. Shaked attended the military ceremony in memory of IDF casualties and victims of hostilities in the Petah Tikva cemetery. During her speech, several participants called her to leave the stage, “Shame on you.” The bereaved pass criticism. “

In her speech, Shaked said: “We are in the ten days of thanksgiving that begin on Holocaust Martyrs ‘and Heroes’ Remembrance Day and end on the day of the resurrection of Israel, Independence Day. Those who do not live here will not understand the order of songs on the radio These are the days when we speak in the first person many. “We.” And we mourn now, and we bow our heads, and remember those who walk, and embrace families, and weep. Together. ”

(The Shouts Against Shaked)

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